

Comments on and Enlightenment from Marcuse's view on Socialism
摘要 马尔库塞的社会主义理论在西方马克思主义中较具代表性,目前国内对它的研究存在着数量较少、吸收不足等问题,因此,有必要对其理论中有价值的部分进行再挖掘。从对发达资本主义工业社会的批判、对革命目的描述以及对革命主体和革命策略的确定等三个方面,对马尔库塞的社会主义观进行评析,得到的启示有:全面认识发达资本主义社会,批判市场经济中的虚假性,加强社会主义精神文明建设,保持工人阶级的先进性,促进人的全面发展。 Marcuse's theory of socialism in Western Marxism is representative.Due to the fact that domestic research on it is rare and lacks of deep understanding,it is therefore necessary to excavate the valuable parts of the theory ranging from the criticism of the industrial society of the developed capitalist, description of the revolutionary purpose, and the determination of the revolutionary subject and revolutionary strategy, we made some comments on it, and derive some enlightenment from it : Comprehensively understanding the developed capitalist society, criticizing the falseness in the market economy, building socialist spiritual and cultural civilization, maintaining the advanced nature of the working class, promoting the all-round development of the people.
作者 秦步焕
出处 《济宁学院学报》 2016年第1期56-62,共7页 Journal of Jining University
关键词 马尔库塞 社会主义观 发达资本主义社会 异化 Marcuse outlook on Socialism developed capitalist society alienation
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