为进一步发挥煤矿安全监控系统在瓦斯等灾害防治中的作用,需对AQ 1029—2007《煤矿安全监控系统及检测仪器使用管理规范》进行修订,拟修订的主要内容包括:增加风向传感器和粉尘传感器;矿长等下井应携带具有无线传输功能的便携式无线甲烷检测报警仪或数字式无线甲烷检测报警矿灯;传感器防护等级应不低于IP65;煤与瓦斯突出矿井应采用全量程或高低浓甲烷传感器;煤矿安全监控系统应联网,向上级上传实时监控数据;系统可以采用电缆或光缆传输;系统主干线缆应当分设2条,从不同的井筒或者1个井筒保持一定间距的不同位置进入井下;安全监控系统不得与图像监视系统共用同一芯光纤;安全监控设备应定期调校、测试,每月至少1次;载体催化甲烷传感器、便携式无线甲烷检测报警仪和无线甲烷检测报警矿灯等调校周期由10d提高到15d,传感器在设置地点调校;甲烷电闭锁和风电闭锁功能每15d至少测试1次,可能造成局部通风机停电的每半年测试1次;系统主机应双机热备用,备用主机应在40s内自动投入工作;接到报警、断电、馈电异常信息后,调度值班人员指挥断电撤人等。
In order to further play role of coal mine safety monitoring system in gas control, AQ 1029- 2007 Use Management Specification of Coal Mine Safety Monitoring System and Testing Instrument should be amended. The main contents of proposed amendments include: adding wind direction sensor and dust sensor; mine directors in underground should carry wireless portable methane alarm detector or wireless digital methane detect and alarm head lamp with wireless transmission function; protection grade of sensor should be not less than IP65; coal and gas outburst mines should use full range or high and low concentration methane sensor; coal mine safety monitoring system should be networked, and upload real- time monitoring data to superior; the system can transmit information by cable or optical cable; backbone cable should be divided from different shaft or from different positions with some distance in a shaft into underground; safety monitoring system cannot share the same optical fiber with image monitoring system; safety monitoring equipment should be regularly adjusted and tested 1 time per month at least; adjustment period of carrier catalytic methane sensor, wireless portable methane alarm detector and wireless methane detect and alarm head lamp should be increased from 10 days to 15 days, and the sensor should be adjusted in setting location; methane electric blocking and wind power blocking function should be tested at least 1 time per 15 days, and equipment that may cause local ventilator power outage should be tested 1 time per 6 months; dual host computer hot-backup is needed, and switch time from the host to the backup host should be not more than 40 s; scheduling staff on duty should power off and order related personnel to evacuate after receiving alarm, power outage and abnormal feed information.
Journal Of Mine Automation
coal mine safety monitoring system
coal and gas outburst
methane sensor
wind direction sensor
wireless transmission