
寨卡疫情危害及其防控应对 被引量:5

Chanllenge of Zika Virus Epidemic and the Response Measures to Prevent and Control
摘要 2015年5月以来,在巴西等美洲中部和南部发生了寨卡病毒暴发流行,并且疫情仍在不断升级。针对寨卡病毒所带来的全球健康风险和生物防御要求,本文在简述当前寨卡疫情态势的基础上,概析了寨卡疫情全球应对主要策略,并就我国做好应对工作提出建议。 Since May 2015, Zika virus has been spreading across South and Middle America, especially in Bra- zil. The Zika virus epidemic is becoming more and more serious. Thinking of the global health risk and biode- fense requirement caused by Zika virus, this paper briefly described the current epidemic situation, discussed the main challenges and global strategy, recommended what our country should do in response.
出处 《生物技术通讯》 CAS 2016年第1期110-113,共4页 Letters in Biotechnology
基金 "艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治"国家科技重大专项(2013ZX10004605 2012ZX10004402) 全军医学科技"十二五"科研项目(AWS11L009 CWS11J071) 病原微生物生物安全国家重点实验室开放研究基金(SKLPBS1433)
关键词 寨卡病毒 寨卡病毒感染 寨卡病毒疫情 预防 防控 Zika virus Zika virus infection Zika virus epidemic prevent and control
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