
带月池深海钻井船摇荡运动性能分析 被引量:6

Motion performance of drillship with moonpool
摘要 海上钻井作业过程要求钻井船具备良好的稳定性能,而月池内流体柱的不规则振荡以及钻井船细长的船体外形都将对船体运动性能造成不利影响,从而限制其在恶劣海域的作业适应性。文章基于三维势流理论对带月池钻井船的摇荡运动进行预报,并通过船模试验对预报结果进行有效性验证。在此基础上,提出钻井船摇荡运动衡准值,对钻井船海上作业适应性进行研究,分析月池尺度和形状对钻井船运动性能的影响。 Great stability is demanded for a dillship during the of shore drilling operation. However, the irregular oscillation of the fluid cylinder of the moonpool and the elongated hull shape have adverse ef ect on the motion performance of the drillship, which may limit the drillship operation adaptability in rough sea states. The oscillation of a drillship with a moonpool is predicted by the three-dimension potential theory, and the results are validated by the ship model tests in order to put forward the criterion value of the drillship oscillation. On this basis, it analyzes the drillship operation adaptability in deep sea and the influence of the scale and shape of the moonpool on the motion performance of the drillship.
出处 《船舶》 2016年第1期29-36,共8页 Ship & Boat
基金 中国石油天然气集团公司攻关课题(2011B-1064)
关键词 深水钻井船 运动预报 月池 drillship motion prediction moonpool
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