

The Relativity of Metrical Unit of Chinese New Poetry
摘要 不论是英语诗歌还是汉语诗歌,诗律单元都是一种双重结构,即是音律节奏单元和言语节奏单元的结合。文学革命后,一方面面对无形式的批评,另一方面面对无法援用声律的困境,中国新诗采取了一种折中的办法,即转向英诗等时性重复的音律观念,利用音组来建立诗律节奏。这种诗律单元被认为是绝对存在的,它以词语和句法为判定标准,它的基本节奏单位是二音节音组和三音节音组,它在诗行中组织的原则是等时性反复。但这种诗律是相对的,它的单元并不是真正的诗律单元,词语和句法是相对的判定标准,二音节音组和三音节音组的基本节奏单元是机械的、不合理的认识,等时性重复原则与言语节奏本身是矛盾的。这种诗律单元其实是言语节奏单元,以这种单元建立的所谓格律诗,其实还是自由诗。 No matter whether it is in English verse or in Chinese verse, rhythmic unit always has a twofold struc-ture, namely a metrical rhythm and a speech rhythm. After the Literary Revolution, confronted with the criticism ofhaving no form and with the difficulty of using the tonal pattern, Chinese New Poetry had to make a compromise byimitating English verse's isochronism, and using syllabic group to build poetic rhythm. Such a kind of rhythmicunit seems to be regarded as the absolute metrical unit, whose scansion is determined by word and syntax, whosebasic units are two syllables' rhythmic group and three syllables' rhythmic group, and whose principle of organiz-ing verse is isochronism repetition. That kind of meter, however, is relative; its unit is not a true metrical unit;word and syntax are only a relative measure for dividing such a syllabic group; two syllables' rhythmic group andthree syllables' rhythmic group are no more than mechanical and illogical understanding; isochronism is in conflictwith speech rhythm. That kind of poetic unit, in fact, is of speech rhythm, and the so-called regular verse made upof such a unit actually is free verse.
作者 李国辉
出处 《常熟理工学院学报》 2016年第1期22-30,共9页 Journal of Changshu Institute of Technology
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"英美自由诗初期理论的谱系"(14YJC752010) 国家社科基金重大项目"19世纪西方文学思潮研究"(15ZDB086)
关键词 中国新诗 格律诗 自由诗 诗律单元 音组 Chinese New Poetry regular verse free verse metrical unit syllabic group
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