建立了超高效液相色谱法测定白酒中的乳酸含量的方法。样品经40℃旋转蒸发除醇后稀释、过滤,Waters Acquity UPLC HSS T3色谱柱(100mm×2.1mm×1.8μm)分离,以0.02mol/L KH2PO4为流动相,流速:0.1m L/min,进样量:1μL,二极管阵列检测器,检测波长208nm。在100-1000mg/L范围内呈线性相关,相关系数R2为0.999。白酒样品中加标回收率为99.9-101.0%,重现性RSD=1.30%。
The method of determining the content of lactic acid in liquor was established by UPLC. The sample was diluted and filtered after the alcohol was rotatory evaporated at 40℃. The sample was separated by Waters Acquity UPLC HSS T3 chromatographic column(100mm×2.1mm×1.8μm). The mobile phase is 0.02mol/L KH2PO4 at a flow speed of 0.1ml/min. By using diode array detection at a detective wavelength of 208 nm, A linear correlation could be observed between 100-1000mg/L, and the correlation coefficient(R^2) is 0.999. The fortified recovery of liquor sample was 99.9-101.0%, reproducibility RSD was 1.30%.
Food and Fermentation Science & Technology