采用大孔树脂纯化野牡丹(Melastoma candidum D.Don)提取液中总黄酮,并对纯化工艺进行优化。以总黄酮回收率、总黄酮纯度为指标,在单因素试验的基础上采用星点设计-效应面法考察了样品液pH、上柱体积和乙醇洗脱体积分数对纯化工艺的影响。结果表明,采用SP-70树脂纯化野牡丹提取液总黄酮的优化工艺条件为上样液浓度2~3 g/L,pH 5.45,上样量为42.1 m L,吸附速率为2 BV/h,吸附完全后先以3 BV水洗去杂质,再用5 BV 68%的乙醇以3 BV/h的速率进行洗脱。SP-70树脂在所确定的工艺条件下能较好地吸附野牡丹提取液中总黄酮,总黄酮回收率为85.38%,纯度为54.68%,优化后的纯化工艺稳定。
The technological parameters of the purification process for total flavonoids from Melastoma candidum D.Don extracts with macro-reticular absorption resin was optimized by a central composite design(CCD) methodology. The p H value of the test solution, the sample column volume and the eluent ethanol concentration were selected based on the single factor test using the recovery rate and purity of total flavonoids as indicator. The results showed that the SP-70 resin had the best separating efficiency when the concentration of the extraction sample was 2~3 g / L, the optimal pH was 5.45, the sample column volume was 42.1 m L, with the adsorption velocity of 2 BV / h, decontamination with 3 BV distilled water, then 68.0%ethanol was used to elute the total flavonoids, the eluting volume was 5 BV and the eluting velocity was 3 BV / h. The optimized purification process parameters using SP-70 resin,with the total flavonoids recovery value of 85.38% and the purity value of 54.68%, could be used to total flavonoids puri fication of Melastoma candidum D.Don extracts.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences