
茶园间作柑桔杨梅和吊瓜对害虫和天敌个体数的影响 被引量:3

The abundance of pests and natural enemies in the tea plantation intercropped with citrus, waxberry and snakegourd fruit plants
摘要 茶园中合理地间作其他作物,有利于扶植天敌或抑制害虫。为评价松阳茶区几种常规间作对天敌和害虫个体数的影响效应,遂选乌牛早品种分别与吊瓜、杨梅和柑桔的间作茶园、安吉白茶品种与吊瓜间作茶园、乌牛早纯茶园,于2007年9月上旬-2008年12月下旬,每旬1次调查茶丛上、中、下层各类天敌和害虫的个体数。结果表明:(1)茶园天敌总个数以安吉白茶—吊瓜间作最多,依次是乌牛早与吊瓜、杨梅和柑橘间作茶园,天敌个数最少的是乌牛早纯茶园,5者之间差异达显著水平;(2)害虫总个数以安吉白茶—吊瓜间作茶园最多,依次是乌牛早与吊瓜间作茶园、乌牛早纯茶园、乌牛早与杨梅、柑橘间作茶园,5者之间差异也达显著水平;(3)茶丛上层总个体数以安吉白茶—吊瓜间作茶园最多,依次是乌牛早与吊瓜、杨梅和柑橘间作茶园、乌牛早纯茶园,差异达显著水平;(4)茶园总个体数以安吉白茶—吊瓜间作茶园最多,依次是乌牛早与吊瓜、杨梅间作茶园,乌牛早纯茶园,乌牛早与柑橘间作茶园,差异显著;(5)安吉白茶—吊瓜间作茶园益害比值最大,乌牛早纯茶园、乌牛早与柑橘间作茶园益害比值最小。分析认为:(1)间作拓展了空间,分散了昆虫和蜘蛛对于茶树的注意力,可以增加害虫或天敌的个数;(2)间作作物气味可调节昆虫行为,吊瓜与茶树间作吸引最多的害虫或天敌,柑橘与茶树间作致茶园中总个体数显著减少;(3)间作调节茶园益、害个体数量之比,合理间作可以作为一种调控害虫的手段。 Proper intercropping in tea plantation is in favor of fostering natural enemies and depressing pests. In order to evaluate the effect of the intercrop on the abundance of the natural enemies and pests, five intercrop- ping systems, Wuniuzao tea -snakegourd, Wuniuzao tea-waxberry, Wuniuzao tea-citrus, Anjibaicha tea-snakegourd, and pure Wuniuzao tea plantation, were conducted. The abundance of the natural enemies and pests in the upper, middle and lower layer of the tea clump was monitored at an interval of ten days from early September in 2007 to late December in 2008. The results showed as follows: (1) the difference among the abun- dance of natural enemies in the five intercropping systems reached a significant level, with the abundance in An- jibaicha tea-snakegourd being the most, followed by Wuniuzao tea-snakegourd, Wuniuzao tea-waxberry, Wuniuzao tea-citrus and pure Wuniuzao tea plantations; (2) the difference in the abundance of pests in the five intercropping systems also reached a significant difference at the 0.05 level, with the abundance in Anjibaicha tea-snakegourd plantation being the most, followed by Wuniuzao tea-snakegourd, pure Wuniuzao tea, Wuniuzao tea-waxberry, and Wuniuzao tea-citrus intercropping plantations; (3) there were significant differences in the abundance in the upper layer of tea clump of the five tea plantations, with Anjibaicha tea-snakegourd being the most, followed by Wuniuzao tea-snakegourd, Wuniuzao tea-waxberry, pure Wuniuzao tea, and Wuniuzaotea-citrus intercropping tea plantations; (4) the total abundance in the Anjibaicha tea-snakegourd intercropping plantation was the best, followed by Anjibaicha tea-snakegourd, Wuniuzao tea-waxberry, pure Wuniuzao tea, and Wuniuzao tea-citrus intercropping plantations; (5) the ratio of beneficial to harmful individuals in the Anjibaicha tea-snakegourd intercropping plantation was the best, whilst the ratio of pure Wuniuzao tea plantation of the Wuniuzao tea-citrus intercropping plantation was the least. It was considered that: (1) the intercropping expanded the space, distracted insects and spiders to tea plants, and raised the total individuals; (2) the volatiles from inter- crop plants can influence the behavior of insects and spiders, the intercropping of snakegourd with tea plants at- tracted the most pests and natural enemies, while the intercropping of citrus with tea plants resulted in the least total abundance in tea plantation; (3) the intercrop regulated the ratio of the beneficial to harmful organisms, and the proper intercrop can be used for suppressing pests.
出处 《安徽农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期6-10,共5页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31071744)资助
关键词 间作茶园 吊瓜 柑桔 杨梅 昆虫个体数 安吉白茶 乌牛早 intercropping tea plantation snakegourd citrus waxberry abundance of insects Anjibaicha tea Wuniuzao tea
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