
12周运动干预对40~49岁男性安静时心率变异性的影响 被引量:7

The Effect of 12-week Exercise Intervention on the Resting HRV of Chinese Men Aged 24 to 49
摘要 目的:探寻改善40~49岁男性安静时HRV的最佳运动干预方式。方法:将40~49岁男性受试对象随机分为3组:对照组(n=9)、小量组(n=7)、大量组(n=8),进行为期12周不同运动耗能量(1200kal/wk或2000kcal/wk)的运动干预。运动干预前后使用Omegawave测试系统测试各组受试者安静时HRV时域指标:正常窦性R-R间期的标准差(SDNN)、相邻N-N间期差值均方根值(RMSSD)、相邻间期差值的标准差(SDSD)、相邻NN之差〉50ms的个数占总窦性心搏个数的百分比(PNN50);HRV频域指标:总功率(TP)、高频率范围内的功率(HF)、低频率范围内的功率(LF)、极低频范围内的功率(VLF)、LF与HF之比(LF/HF)、标化的HF功率(HFnorm)、标化的LF功率(LFnorm)。对各组指标值及运动干预后增量进行比较分析。结果:(1)大量组运动干预后SDNN、RMSSD以及TP、HF显著高于运动干预前(P〈0.05),LF/HF显著低于运动干预前(P〈0.05);小量组运动干预前后各指标均无显著性变化。(2)大量组SDNN、RMSSD增量非常显著高于对照组(P〈0.01)、显著高于小量组(P〈0.05),TP增量显著高于对照组和小量组(P〈0.05),HF增量非常显著高于对照组(P〈0.01)、显著高于小量组(P〈0.05),LF/HF增量显著低于对照组及小量组(P〈0.05)。结论:(1)12周强度为65%~80%VO2max、运动耗能量为1200kcal/wk的运动干预对40~49岁男性的HRV无显著影响。(2)12周强度为65%~80%VO2max、运动耗能量为2000kcal/wk的运动干预可以有效改善40-49岁男性的HRV。 Objective To explore the optimal exercise intervention for improving resting HRV of Chinese men. Methods Twenty four men,aged 24 to 49 years,were randomly divided into control group(C,n=9),low exercise volume group(LV,n=7),and high exercise volume group(HV,n=8). The subjects in groups LV and HV ran respectively at the energy expenditure levels of 1200 kcal/wk(or 14 kcal/kg·wk),and 2000 kcal/wk(or 23 kcal/kg·wk)for 12 weeks. Their heart rate variability(HRV)was tested before and after the exercise intervention. Results(1)The DNN,RMSSD,TP,and HF were significantly higher and LF/HF significantly lower after the intervention than that before the intervention in group HV(P 0.05),while they remained unchanged in group LV after the intervention.(2)The increases in SDNN,RMSSD,TP,HF were significantly greater,and LF/HF was significantly lower in group HV after the intervention than in group LV and group C(P 0.05 and P 0.01). Conclusion The resting HRV of Chinese men aged 24 to 49 improves significantly through 12-week exercise at the energy expenditure level of 2000 kcal/w,while remains unchanged at the level of 1200 kcal/wk.
出处 《中国运动医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第2期147-151,共5页 Chinese Journal of Sports Medicine
基金 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2006BAK33B02)
关键词 运动干预 男性 安静 心率变异性 exercise intervention energy expenditure HRV
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