
Nitric Oxide Donor食品保健品作用机理综述

Nitric Oxide Donor Foods Mechanism Review
摘要 一氧化氮(Nitric Oxide,NO)是维持所有正常身体机能的重要信号分子,提高血管内皮细胞NO水平有助加速血液循环,并有助于将氧气和血液中的养分供给到身体四肢的中末端毛细血管,滋养骨骼肌。NO合成机理是通过一氧化氮合酶(Nitric Oxide Synthase,NOS)促进精氨酸(L-Arg)转化为NO,以及肠-唾液腺的硝酸盐-亚硝酸盐-NO途径产生NO。而通过血管内皮组织中一氧化氮合酶(Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase,e NOS)的作用,可以提高血管内皮组织中的NO的产生和释放,达到使血管平滑肌放松和扩张血管的效果。基于最近的研究,撰写了这篇NO食品保健品机理综述。 Nitric Oxide (NO) is an important signaling molecule for normal functioning of the body. which could improve the vascular endothelial cell nitric oxide (no) level to help speed up the blood circulation, and help the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to upper and lower extremity capillaries that fuel the skeletal muscle. NO can be generated endogenously from L-arginine (L-Arg) under Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) catalyzed process andentero-saliva Nitrate-Nitrite-NO process. And through the role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) can improve vascular endothelial NO production and release, reach the vascular smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation effect. Based on the recent research, this paper has written a review of the NO food health care products.
出处 《现代食品》 2016年第2期15-21,共7页 Modern Food
关键词 一氧化氮补剂 食品 保健机理 Nitric Oxide Donor Foods Health Mechanism
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