

Numerical Stability Analysis for Fluid Structure Conjugate Heat Transfer on Moving Interface
摘要 研究了交界面移动情况下流固耦合稳态传热的数值稳定性问题.考虑Dirichlet-Robin组合边界条件,用速度表征交界面的移动情况,流体域和固体域分别采用有限体积法和有限单元法进行离散及数值求解,利用Goudonov-Ryabenkii理论正则模态分析方法重点研究了交界面移动时数值方法的稳定性,最终获得了一条由耦合系数和移动速度组成的最优曲线,并且证明了当耦合系数和移动速度在这条曲线上取值时,离散的求解域能够达到最快的收敛速度及绝对的稳定性特征.为设计人员进行数值仿真时选取合理的参数提供了参考. The numerical stability of stable heat transfer along moving fluid-structure interface was investigated. Taking the Dirichlet-Robin conditions into account,the interface movement was designated by velocity. The most common configurations( finite volume method for fluid domain and finite element method for solid domain) were used to discretize the fluid-structure system and perform numerical computation,respectively. Great emphasis was put on stability of numerical treatments when the interface moving with the adoption of the Goudonov-Ryabenkii theory normal mode analysis method. An optimal curve composed of coupling coefficient and velocity was finally obtained,which verified that the discrete system would reach fastest convergence rate and definite stability if the values of coupling coefficient and velocity come from this curve. These conclusions will provide a reference for designers to select reasonable parameters during numerical simulation.
出处 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期222-226,共5页 Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)
基金 国家科技重大专项(2013ZX04011-011)
关键词 移动交界面 耦合传热 组合边界条件 稳定性分析 正则模态 moving interface conjugate heat transfer combined boundary condition stability analysis normal mode
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