
铁钛平行分选对微细粒钛铁矿强磁选的影响 被引量:4

Effect of Parallel Separation of Fe and Ti on High-Intensity Magnetic Separation of Micro-fine Ilmenite
摘要 采用"铁钛平行分选"工艺对高压辊磨超细碎的-3.2 mm钒钛磁铁矿进行选别实验,研究了强磁选对钛铁矿的分选效果.当磨矿细度为-74μm粒级占80%时,辊压产品选钛给矿的单体解离度较颚破产品高0.58%,辊压产品-19μm+11μm粒级中铁氧化物的单体含量较颚破产品低1.38%.与颚破产品采用"阶段磨矿-阶段分选"工艺相比,"铁钛平行分选"得到的强磁精矿中Ti O2的回收率提高5.11%,-19μm粒级的含量降低2.62%.不同粒级钛铁矿在分选空间中的受力分析表明,当粒度降低时,钛铁矿所受的比阻力急剧增加,而比磁力却有所降低,这增加了钛铁矿颗粒被磁场捕获的难度."铁钛平行分选"能够降低选别过程中微细粒钛铁矿的新生成量,改善钛铁矿的强磁选别效果. The separation test of- 3. 2 mm V-Ti magnetite ore ultra-finely crushed by HPGR was carried out with the process of parallel separation of Fe and Ti. The effect of high-intensity magnetic separation on ilmenite was investigated. When the crushed ores with grind fineness of- 74 μm accounted for 80%,the liberation degree of the product crushed by HPGR increased by0. 58% and the number of iron oxide in the ores with fineness of- 19 μm + 11 μm decreased by1. 38%,compared with that by Jawcrusher. The Ti O2 recovery could increase by 5. 11% and the content of the product with- 19 μm could reduce by 2. 62% in high-intensity magnetic concentrate,compared with the product crushed by Jawcrusher and separated by the process of stage-grinding and stage-separating. The force analysis on ilmenite with different sizes in the separation space showthat,as the particle size decreases gradually,the specific resistance on ilmenite increases sharply and the specific magnetic force reduces,so ilmenite particle is more difficult to be captured by magnetic field. The process of parallel separation of Fe and Ti can reduce the amount of newly formed micro-fine ilmenite in the separation, improving the performance of high-intensity magnetic separation of ilmenite.
出处 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期253-257,262,共6页 Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science)
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划项目(2012AA062301) 钒钛资源综合利用国家重点实验室开放课题
关键词 铁钛平行分选 微细粒钛铁矿 强磁选 回收率 磁特性 parallel separation of Fe and Ti micro-fine ilmenite high-intensity magnetic separation recovery magnetic property
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