
基于逼真度理论的物流仿真实施框架与方法 被引量:1

Framework and Methodology for Logistics Simulation Based on Fidelity Theory
摘要 从逼真度视角探讨解决物流仿真实施质量问题。剖析归纳物流仿真实践与理论层面的问题及其与逼真度的关系,就实践层面的参与方式和工作流程提出改进方案。针对离散事件物流系统(DELS)界定了仿真逼真度和仿真效用的概念与内涵,分别构建了维度结构,消除逼真度概念的模糊性。构建基于逼真度理论的仿真实施四阶段规范性内容的仿真实施框架,从逼真度入手对仿真实施过程的控制。构建逼真度管理过程模型,提供逼真度模板、参考模型、逼真度需求确定和逼真度量表等可操作的支撑方法体系,实现事前逼真度设计、事中逼真度管理和事后逼真度评价。以应急成品粮物流作业规划设计仿真为例对该框架与方法进行应用研究和讨论。 The quality issue of simulation was studied from the perspective of fidelity. The basic concepts and dimension structures of simulation fidelity and simulation utility were defined according to the features of discrete event logistics system (DELS) simulation after a relationship analysis between fidelity and problems in DELS simulation. A fidelity-based four-stage lifecycle framework with prescriptive contents for each stage was constructed to improve the quality of simulation implementation. A simulation fidelity management process model (FMPM) was built to ensure three processes: pre-control of fidelity design, in-process fidelity management, and afterward fidelity evaluation. Operable methods and tools such as Fidelity Template (FT), Fidelity Scale (FS) and other methods were provided as supporting methods. An application example in emergency refined grain industry was studied and discussed.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期499-507,共9页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61104055) 国家粮食行业公益科研专项(201313009-06)
关键词 仿真逼真度 离散事件物流系统 框架 可操作方法 效用 simulation fidelity discrete event logistic system framework operable method utility
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