The K-power system is regarded as a kind of special bilinear systems, which can be made up of some lower order subsystems. This allows the K-power system to have the special structure. The /-/2 norm of the error system is seen as the cost function defined on the Grassmann manifold. Fhrther, we operate the linear search along the negative gradient to seek the transformation matrix to make the cost function the smallest. In order to retain the structure of the reduced system in accordance with that of the original system, the transformation matrix of the bilinear system is the block diagonal matrix, whose diagonal blocks consist of the transformation matrices of the subsystems in the K-power system in the corresponding algorithm. In addition, By making full use of the structure of the K- power system, the algorithm costs less computational quantity than the other bilinear model reduction methods for reducing the order of the K-power system.
Journal on Numerical Methods and Computer Applications