

A 37 years review of clinical study on pediatric hip dismoid tumors:a report of 31 cases
摘要 目的探讨儿童臀部硬纤维瘤的临床特点和治疗方法。方法回顾性分析本院自1977年1月至2014年8月收治的31例臀部硬纤维瘤患儿临床资料,患儿均进行手术边缘性切除,术后病理检查均证实为硬纤维瘤。结果 31例中,术后获随访28例,随访时间2个月至37年,平均随访时间12年3个月。12例术后原位复发,复发率为42.9%。复发时间为术后3个月至3年,多在术后2年内复发。结论硬纤维瘤是一种极端混合性质的肿瘤,其生物学行为多变,复发率高,目前主要采取以广泛手术切除肿瘤为主的多学科联合和个体化治疗。 Objetive To evaluate the clinical feature and treatment of pediatric hip dismoid tumor. Methods A retrospective review was made on 31 patients who underwent treatment of pediatric hip dismoid tumors in our hospital over a 37-year period (from Jan. 1977 to Aug. 2014 ). Clinicopathologic and treatment characteristics were analyzed. Results all cases underwent wide excision. 28 cases underwent follow-up, dur-ing a median follow-up of 147 months, 12 local recurrences were detected. The local recurrence rate was 42.9%. Conclusions Hip desmoid tumor shows aggressive growth,with high recurrence rate. Surgical opera- tion is effective, adjuvant therapy might be helpful to hip desmoid tumor.
出处 《临床小儿外科杂志》 CAS 2016年第1期80-82,共3页 Journal of Clinical Pediatric Surgery
关键词 纤维瘤病 侵袭型 外科手术 治疗 儿童 Buttocks Fibromatosis, Aggressive Surgical Procedures, Operative Therapy Child
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