
尼采的科学批判——兼论尼采的现象学 被引量:6

On Nietzsche's Critique of Science,or A Reading of Nietzsche's Phenomenology
摘要 尼采反科学吗?尼采那里有一门科学吗?若有,是何种科学?这是在尼采研究领域颇多争议的问题。本文试图清理尼采的科学批判,特别是前期尼采对以苏格拉底主义为标识的科学乐观主义(理论文化)传统的揭示,中期尼采主要在《快乐的科学》中形成的科学新理解,以及后期尼采对于"作为谎言的科学"的批判。本文认为,无论在哪个时期,尼采的科学批判始终致力于揭示欧洲科学或欧洲知识理想的柏拉图主义哲学基础。本文进一步分析了朗佩特对"尼采语文学"的重构,指出尼采中期和晚期哲学的现象学倾向,认为尼采在哲学批判、意识分析、个体言说等方面的思想努力,足以构成一种"尼采现象学"。 Is Nietzsche a critic of modern science? Is there a science in his thinking of science? If there is one,then of which sort? On this issue that has been puzzling the Nietzsche scholars for many years,this paper aims to clear up his heritage of the critique of science,especially his revelations of the optimistic view( the theoretical culture) of science in the vein of Socrates in his earlier years,of the new views represented in The Gay Science,and of his critique of 'science as the science of lies'in his last days. It argues that Nietzsche has been attacking the philosophical foundation of European science based on Platonism. Relying on Lampert' reconstruction of the Nietzschean philology,it is also argued that the philosophical critique,the analysis of consciousness and the individualist narrative of Nietzsche might well form a phenomenology of Nietzsche.
作者 孙周兴
机构地区 同济大学哲学系
出处 《世界哲学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期50-60,160,共11页 World Philosophy
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