Since the Late 19 th Century Chinese language of everyday life witnessed sea change. Analogous to 'traveling theory' words in daily use carry with them transnational and transcultural experiences, shaping people's thinking modes and life behavior. Apparently today we are more infl uenced by images in terms of everyday experience. In this essay focusing on the term youyong(游泳, swimming), a brief historical account is made by words and images. With the 'swimming,' relational words such as 'sea bathing'(海水浴), 'after bathing'(出浴) are examined, so as to show verbal and imagery changes in different times, open to multiple spaces. From adventure in water to physical exercises, from international contests to social control through bodies, and from city to suburb, new institutions, regulations, and social spaces emerged and developed into modern forms of everyday life in urban centers. A kind of writing the history of modern life, this account is experimental and open to new possibilities.
Shanghai Culture