
退火对TiO_2薄膜的结构及电学性能的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Annealing on Structure and Electrical Properties of TiO_2 Thin Films
摘要 以硅为衬底,采用射频磁控溅射技术制备了TiO_2薄膜,利用扫描电镜及拉曼光谱对退火前后的TiO_2进行分析。退火后的TiO_2具有良好的结晶特性,且呈锐钛矿结构。在此薄膜工艺条件下,以TiO_2为半导体层在玻璃基底上制备了Al/TiO_2/Pt肖特基二极管,并在153~433K范围内对其进行I-V测试。结果表明:在所有温度下,Al/TiO_2/Pt肖特基二极管均表现出良好的整流效应;其理想因子随温度升高而降低,势垒高度随温度升高而升高;在433K下,理想因子为1.31,势垒高度0.73,表明此肖特基二极管已接近理想的肖特基二极管。 TiO2 thin film was prepared by RF magnetron sputtering taking Si as substrate. TiO2 thin films before and after annealing process were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy figures and Raman spectrums. The structure of the film after annealing treatment is anatase, representing good crystal structure. Al/TiO2/Pt schottky diode was prepared on glass matrix taking TiO2 as semi-conductor layer. The related I-V-T tests were carried out at 153-433K. The results are as follow: Al/TiO2/Pt schottky diode possesses great rectifying effect under all temperatures. The ideality factor increases as temperature increasing, while the schottky barrier height(SBH) decreases.When T=433K, the ideality factor is 1.31 and SBH is 0.73, which indicates that this schottloy diode is closed to an ideal schottky diode.
作者 罗希 胡志宇
出处 《热加工工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期205-208,共4页 Hot Working Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61204129) 上海市科委资助项目(12ZR1444000 10PJ1403800 11DZ1111200) 云南科技厅资助项目(2010AD003) 上海市优秀青年教师科研专项基金 上海大学创新基金
关键词 退火 TIO2薄膜 肖特基二极管 annealing TiO2 thin film schottky diode RF (radio frequency) magnetron sputtering technology
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