
任务目标框架对个体突破性创造意愿的影响 被引量:5

The Effect of Goal Frame on Individuals' Radical Creative Intentions
摘要 采用情境问卷的方法,以高校博士研究生为对象,运用层级回归分析方法,在意义建构理论的基础上探讨了任务目标框架对个体从事突破性创造活动意愿的影响及其作用机制,并提出了促进个体突破性创造意愿的目标框架模型。研究结果表明,当组织当前的任务目标难度水平低于/高于组织的历史任务目标难度水平时,个体会分别形成积极/消极的目标回溯框架,在积极目标回溯框架下进行突破性创造的意愿更高;积极的目标回溯框架对个体突破性创造意愿的促进作用在低水平的任务目标难度下和高创造力自我效能的个体中相对更强;当社会参照对象的任务执行水平低于/高于组织当前的任务目标水平或个人当前的绩效水平时,个体会分别形成积极/消极的社会比较框架,在积极的社会比较框架下的突破性创造意愿更高;积极的社会比较框架对个体突破性创造意愿的促进作用在高水平的任务目标难度下和低创造力自我效能的个体中相对更强。研究结论对从管理制度层面(如绩效考核制度)研究如何培育创新工作者的突破性创造力具有较强的理论和现实意义。 By using scenario questionnaires,this study explores the effect and mechanism of goal frame on individual radical creative intention,and comes up with a goal frame model that predicts individual radical creative intention with a survey on Ph.D.students based on sensemaking theory.Hierarchical regression analysis results reveals that1 when the level of requirement,difficulty and complexity of the current goal is lower/higher than that of the historical goal applied before,an individual may have a goal-retrospective frame in which the positive/negative perception is formed,and individuals exhibit higher extent of radical creativity in the positive frames;2the goal-retrospective frame effect on individual's radical creativity is much stronger when the task goal is relatively easier and among individuals with higher creative self-efficacy,3when the extent of implementation of organizational goal from the similar referents(e.g.,colleagues)is lower/higher than the individuals' current performance level,an individual may sensemake a social-comparison frame in which the positive/negative perception is perceived,and they exhibit higher extent of radical creative intentions in the positive frames;(4)the social-comparing frame effect on individual's radical creative intentions is much stronger when the task goal is relatively more difficult and among those whose creative self-efficacy are lower.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期403-414,共12页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助重点项目(71232001) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71402061)
关键词 目标意义建构 目标框架 突破性创造力 创造力自我效能 goal sensemaking goal frame radical creativity creative self-efficacy
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