

A New Approach to Constructing Social Learning Network Balance
摘要 社会化学习网络的构建是开展互联网背景下的移动学习和社会化学习的基础。目前,针对社会化学习网络的研究主要集中于学习资源的推送以及学习者人际关系的组织管理两方面,忽视了学习者本身的主观能动性以及学习资源与人际关系间的关系。认知平衡理论和态度结构模型提供了以学习者为中心的研究模式,实现信息源关系构建与人际关系构建的协同展开。在互联网环境下,构建社会化学习网络是加强学习者与资源节点和人际节点间交互,进而提高学习绩效的有效方法。这一方法融合了虚拟学习社区中人际关系的组织管理经验,同时强调了人与信息间的关系,弥补了关系间关系的缺失。以学习者态度为基础,可以总结出社会化学习网络构建过程中的规则集合和策略集合。依据构建策略,能够快速高效地构建社会化学习网络,提高学习效率,是一种具备可操作性和可推广性的新方法,就互联网环境下的学习而言有较强的指导意义。 The construction of social learning network is the foundation of mobile learning and social learningunder the background of the Internet. The current research on social learning network focus on the learningresources push and the management of learners' interpersonal relationship, neglecting learners' subjective initiativeand relationship between learning resources and learners. Cognitive balance theory and structure model of attitudeprovide a learner-centered research model, to construct the relationships of information sources and peerscooperatively. The construction of social learning network is an effective method to improve learning performance inthe Internet environment, by enhancing interaction among learners, resources and peers. This approach consults theexperience of interpersonal relationship management from Virtual Learning Community, emphasizes the relationshipbetween peers and information to rectify the neglect. Based on the attitudes of learners, the set of rules andstrategies formed in the construction of social learning network are summarized. According to these strategies, sociallearning networks can be constructed quickly and efficiently. It is a new operable and propagable approach toguiding the learning in the Internet environment.
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 2016年第2期67-74,共8页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 首都教育发展协同创新中心2014年招标课题一般课题“基于MOOC等开放教育资源的教师培训研究”
关键词 社会化学习 认知平衡理论 态度结构模型 应用策略 移动学习 方法研究 Social Learning Network Cognitive Balance Theory Structure Model of Attitude ApplicationStrategy Mobile Learning Research on Method
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