
von Economo神经元和叉形神经元在神经精神疾病中的病理变化和意义 被引量:2

Pathological Changes of von Economo Neuron and Fork Neuron in Neuropsychiatric Diseases
摘要 von Economo神经元是一类具有纺锤形特征的双极神经元,主要分布在前岛叶和前扣带回第V皮层内。叉形神经元是另一类具有叉子样形态特征的神经元,集中分布在前岛叶。近年研究发现,这两类神经元与人类的复杂认知、自我意识和社会情感等高级认知情感功能有关。本文总结了这两类神经元的发育学和形态学,以及在各种神经精神疾病中的病理改变,发现无论是在儿童期的神经发育阶段还是老年期的神经变性阶段,von Economo神经元的数量和功能异常都会引发相应的社会认知和情感功能障碍。因此,von Economo神经元和叉形神经元的生理功能和在神经精神疾病中的病理意义是不可忽视的。 von Economo neuron( VEN) is a bipolar neuron characterized by a large spindle-shaped soma. VEN is generally distributed in the layer V of anterior insular lobe and anterior cingulate cortex. Fork neuron is another featured bipolar neuron. In recent years,many studies have illustrated that VEN and fork neurons are correlated with complicated cognition such as self-consciousness and social emotion. Studies in the development and morpholigies of these two neurons as well as their pathological changes in various neurological and psychiatric disorders have found that the abnormal number and functions of VEN can cause corresponding dysfunctions in social recognition and emotions both during the neuro-developmental stages of childhood and during the nerve de-generation in old age stage. Therefore,more attentions should be paid on the research of VEN and fork neurons in neuropsychiatric diseases.
出处 《中国医学科学院学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期113-117,共5页 Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae
基金 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(教外留司[2015]1098号)~~
关键词 von Economo神经元 叉形神经元 神经精神疾病 神经病理学 von Economo neuron fork neuron neuropsychiatric diseases neuropathology
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