
徜徉云南·新的声音世界--点赞新西兰作曲家杰克博迪 被引量:1

Wandering through Yunnan,a New Soundworld:Remembering New Zealand Composer Jack Body
摘要 新西兰国宝级功勋作曲家杰克博迪(Jack Body)先生,自1994年与笔者等同仁合作,转录编辑云南少数民族田野纪实录音,出版了《云之南·云南器乐》4碟CD、云南民歌《摆时摆》单碟CD。他赞扬这些纪实录音,为他们(包括维多利亚大学音乐学院的作曲学生)打开了一个"新的声音世界",奠定了"跨文化作曲"的基础。他偕学生、同行们创意改编的数十首云南题材曲作,为丰富世界乐坛的音乐语言做出了功不可没的卓越贡献。此外,杰克博迪还促成了笔者与荷兰PAN唱片公司合作,顺利地完成了云南少数民族多声部民歌的考察研究项目并出版了《云南多声部民歌》4碟CD。他在推进不同文化之间音乐的交流与传播方面,发挥了重要作用,在世界乐坛上有着独特而不可替代的地位。 Renowned and prolific New Zealand composer Jack Body died of cancer in May 2015, aged seventy. Awarded numerous national and international honours, he was mourned by colleagues, students, and friends all over the world. Jack taught on the music faculty of Victoria University of Wellington between 1980 and 2009, and was especially well known for his love of and close acquaintance with the musical traditions of Indonesia, other parts of Southeast Asia, and China. In particular, he used detailed transcription as a means to listen carefully to and understand the music of different cultures, and frequently incorporated elements of Asian and other non - Western musics into his "cross- cultural" compositions. One of the many Asian visiting scholars Jack invited to Victoria University was Yunnan Art Institute professor Zhang Xingrong; despite the language barrier, they worked closely together between 1994 and 2003 to remaster, edit, and ultimately issue CDs of field recordings Zhang and his wife Li Wei'er had made of ethnic minority music from Yunnan. This article first describes the way in which Jack and Zhang collaborated on this project with the assistance of four interpreters (including Helen Rees, the co -author here), and Jack's assistance in bringing more of Zhang and Li's work to international attention through cooperation with the Dutch CD company Pan Records. Second, it examines Jack's commitment to transcription and cross -cultural composition, beth in his own work and in his teaching. For this purpose, several Yunnan - inspired pieces created by Jack, his students and colleagues are analyzed and described. Third, the authors out-line their experience cooperating with Jack on the scholarly project of editing the recordings and liner notes to the landmark CD set South of the Clouds: Instrumental Music of Yunnan (Auckland, New Zealand: Ode Record Company, CD Manu 2019/20, 2021/22, 2003). They note in particular his unremitting passion for the sounds of Yunnanese music, allied to an ethnomusieological interest in the cultural backgrounds represented, as well as his extraordinary attention to detail and commitment to accuracy when producing the liner notes. Finally, Jack's abili- ty to cooperate professionally and make friends with people from different cultnres and countries--even when there was no language in common--is underscored, as this was a major contributing factor to his success with artistic and scholarly cross -cultural collaborations. Numerous events have been organized to celebrate Jack's unique contributions to the world of music. In China, where Jack had many colleagues, ex - students and friends, the Zhejiang Conservatory of Music held the "Body Music 2015--Jack Body Cross - Cultural Music Conference" in December 2015. This international gathering featured academic lectures and concerts focused on Jack's work in cross -cultural cooperation and composition. The co -authors of this article were fortunate enough to be invited to participate. The article is an amalgamation and extension of the papers they presented in Hangzhou on Jack's many years of dedication to the music of Yunnan.
作者 张兴荣
出处 《民族艺术研究》 CSSCI 2016年第1期142-149,共8页 Ethnic Art Studies
关键词 杰克博迪 徜徉云南 跨文化作曲 Jack Bodie composer Yunnan folk music intercultural composer
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  • 1Sarah Shieff, "Talking Music : Conversations with New Zealand Musicians", http ://www. jackbody, com/arti- cles/talking_music, pdf, p. 12.
  • 2新西兰惠林顿《城市之声》(CityVoiceWelling-ton)[J].周刊,1994,(11).
  • 3新西兰·亚洲2000基金会(Asia2000Founda-tionofNewZealand)[J].周刊,1995,(5).
  • 4新格罗夫音乐和音乐家辞典[z].第二版.伦敦麦克米兰公司出版,2001.
  • 5浙江音乐学院.二十世纪后民族主义作曲家杰克·波蒂跨文化音乐作品研讨会[J].专刊,2015,(12).
  • 6《云之南·云南器乐》双碟装,两套4碟.新西兰奥克兰Ode唱片公司2003年出版.
  • 7《摆时摆-云南少数民族民歌》.荷兰PAN音响出版公司1995年出版.
  • 8Sarah Shieff .Talking Music: Conversations with New Zealand Musicians. (Auckland: Auck- land University Press, 2002).
  • 9http : //www. jackbody, corn/articles/talking_ music, pdf.
  • 10Jennifer Sherman, GiUian Whitehead, Scilla Askew .Jack! Celebrating Jack Body, Composer. (Wellington: Steele Roberts, 2015),p.226 -237.









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