
电影理论批评“中国学派”的构想与建设 被引量:5

The Concept and Construction of “Chinese School” of Movie Theory and Criticism
摘要 建构电影理论批评的"中国学派"的意义重大。它对于匡正中国电影发展方向,汇聚中国电影人才宏大队伍,传承历史文化传统,重振中国电影雄风,让中国电影屹立于世界民族之林,直至中华民族伟大复兴都具有重要意义。古今中外,学派的形成,大致有赖于师承、地域、问题三种因缘,但无论是"师承性学派",还是"地域性学派",抑或"问题性学派"的形成和发展,都有赖于客观环境的改良、完善和主体的思想解放,都会有一个长期积累的过程。我们既要对建构这一学派充满信心,也要对其建设的长期性、曲折性有清醒的认识。 At the end of 2015, Mr. Rao Shuguang, general secretary of China film association, published an article in the magazine New Films in which he proposed for the first time in China the concept of "construction of ' Chinese school' of movie theory and criticism". This paper offers some reflection about his idea. The term "school" has existed in China since ancient times. The pre - Qin philosophers were different schools in the ancient time. So the history of thought and the history of literary criticism in China are in fact a history of the contention of a hundred schools of thought. The construction of "Chinese school" of movie theory and criticism is of great significance to developing Chinese movies in the right direction, building a bank of Chinese movie talents, preserving historical and cultural heritage, reviving Chinese movie's glory in the world, and enven to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Since its reform and opening up, China has achieved remarkable achievements in terms of its political and economic construction as well as the ideo- logical and cultural construction, and governments at all levels have attached great importance to the development of movie industry, which contributes to the "best period" for Chinese movies development. The current situation has indeed provided unprecedented historical conditions and foundation for constructing Chinese school of movie theory and criticism. Over the years, due to various historical and practical reasons, we have constantly been restricted by the Western movie theories, without paying sufficient attention to the construction of a system of movie criticism theories that suit Chinese movie tradition and practice. Whether in the ancient time or in the modern time, whether at home or abroad, a school is generally developed by a group of students that follow the same master, or by a group of people from the same region, or by a group of people working on the same issues, which also applies to the construction of Chinese school of movie theory and criticism. The formation and development of Chinese school of movie theory and criticism, among other academic schools, will be a long process that depends on the improvement and perfection of the objective environment and the emancipation of the mind. We should be confident in it, while being aware that it is full of twists and turns in the long process.
作者 李建强
出处 《民族艺术研究》 CSSCI 2016年第1期160-165,共6页 Ethnic Art Studies
关键词 电影理论批评 中国学派 师承性 地域性 问题性 movie theory and criticism, Chinese school, school following the same master, school from the same region, school working on the same issues
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