Professor Liang Jiu and fellow scholars have put forward the name "Art Principle Study" to replace "Arts Theory Studies". Based on philosophical concepts "I Ching (Zhou Yi )" and the art principle study share, this paper states the value of art principle study as exclusiveness, independence, feasibility and universality. At the level of noumenon and apex, "Yi" 易 (Change) and "Art" 艺 share commonality. "I Ching", as the first book of the Five Classics, influences the art overwhelmingly owing to its comprehensive and dellcate theoretical system. Yan Shigu from Tang Dynasty regarded "Six Arts" as "Six Classics", and "Yi" can be regarded as one kind of "Art". The four elements of "I Ching" are hexagrams 象, numbers 数, philosophic theory 理, and divination 占. In term of art, four elements represent different part of art : "Hexagram" is the modeling of art works, "Number" represents the proportion of the structure, "Theory" is the general pattern of the art, and "Divination" refers to the acceptence and disseminate the art. In this regard, hexagrams, numbers and theory can be included into art theory while "Divination" can be classified in the fields of communication studies, sociology, and management. The knowledge of "I Ching" believes that "Hexagram" and "Number" exist at the same time and support each other. Also, "Theory" plays an important role in ensuring the regulation, constraintion and dredging of "Hexagram" and "Number". "Theory" reflects the view of the Chinese theory of heaven, the concept of Yin and Yang, and ideology of the relationship between human and the nature. It is not only the original meaning of "I Ching", but also represents the inner world the art. Thus, each specific sub- discipline of art studies focuses on a specific field of "Hexagram" and "Number". while the core of "Arts principle study" is to study the universal principles of the arts. On the other hand, art principle study, as a subject based on art practice, should be based on at least one art practice, otherwise the art principle studies is groundless and consequently it cannot be applied as a superstructure. This paper also explains the relevant terminology of the "arts principle study" that comes from the content of "I Ching".
Ethnic Art Studies
Zhou Yi (I Ching), art principle study, hexagrams, numbers, philosophic theory and divination, art