
电影产业中的政府介入性研究 被引量:1

A Study on the Government Intervention in the Film Industry
摘要 电影作为文化的重要组成部分,其发展需要符合国家意识形态的要求;而在电影产业的不断发展过程中,电影市场的运作确需政府的介入、影响和保障。作为电影起源地的法国对艺术和文化事业的发展十分重视,其政府极为重要的文化介入性行为包括CNC资助基金、SOFICA专业资金和机构贷款融资模式,这种政府对整体产业做出的扶持,促使本国电影产业获得了最大效益。2015年9月1日,国务院通过了《中华人民共和国电影产业促进法(草案)》,这意味着政府已将电影产业发展纳入战略发展层面,整体策划和推进我国由电影大国向电影强国转型,有了如此强力的政府制定的法律保障,我国的电影产业有望迎来重大发展机遇。 Film as an important part of culture, its development must meet the requirements of national ideology. Film industry is a capital intensive industry, the high cost of film products, like other industrial products, requires market sales to earn profit to recover the cost. In 2011, Legal Affairs Office of the State Council announced Law of Promotion of the Film Industry of The People's Republic of China (Draft), in which it is stated that the threshold for market access should be lowered so that it will become convenient for all types of market players and social capitals to enter the film industry. On September 1st 2015, the State Council passed the Law of Promotion of the Film Industry of The People's Republic of China ( Draft ), and asked Standing Committee of The National People's Congress to review it. This action makes the establishment of the basic film law only "one step away". The government legal protection has brought great opportunities for the development of China's film industry. However, it must be acknowledged that the value of culture in the conduct of business behavior is far more than that in a general product therefore, all national governments think that their own cultural traditions in the trade treaty need to be protected, the market competition mechanism need to be regulated, and the indigenous cultural industry should be encouraged and funded In the process of movie development, the film market needs government to intervene, affect and safeguard . In the history of the development of the film, in France where film originated from, the development of art and cul- ture attracts great attention from the government who intervenes the film industry with the manner of CNC fund, SOFICA specific loan funds and institutions financing mode. With the aim of protecting the "cultural diversity", French government intervenes its domestic film industry in a tough manner which, either seen from the regard of policy or from the regard of film teaching and practice, is adequate to guarantee its citizens to be entitled to the rich cultural products. And therefore these actions make France one of the European countries where the market share of domestic movie keeps growing. Sep 1 st 2015, the enactment of the Law of Promotion of the Film Industry of The People's Republic of China (Draft) means that the government has incoperated the film industry development into the strategic development level, being ready to plan and promote China to advance from the big film country to the strong film country. At the same time, the film industry will be facing new opportunities in a more legitimate environment. Under the research framework of governmental intervention in the film industry, sorting out the global film industry mode, especially the classification of the governmental intervention in other countries, is conducive to rethinking and promoting Chinese film industry in a context of cultural renaissance constructed by the new era.
作者 徐进毅
出处 《民族艺术研究》 CSSCI 2016年第1期238-244,共7页 Ethnic Art Studies
关键词 电影产业 市场 政府行为 法国电影产业 电影产业促进法 film industry, market, government behaviors, french film industry, the Law of Promotion of the Film Industry of The People's Republic of China
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