目的探讨气道黏膜损害程度与迁延和非迁延性支原体肺炎的预后相关性。方法选取我院收治的124例支原体肺炎患者,按支原体肺炎分类标准及预后分为非迁延组和迁延组。记录并比较两组临床表现、气道黏膜损害程度及预后等情况。结果 124例支原体肺炎患者中28例演变为迁延性支原体肺炎;两组患者急性期临床症状无显著差异(P>0.05);支气管镜检查,两组均存在气道黏膜滤泡样增生、粗糙、水肿、纵行皱褶及黏液分泌增多等表现,其中管腔狭窄、肉芽组织增生及黏膜溃疡等仅存在于迁延组,迁延组滤泡样增生及黏液分泌显著增高(P<0.05)。结论气道黏膜的损害程度与支原体肺炎的病程迁延相关,黏膜滤泡样增生及黏液大量分泌是导致支原体肺炎迁延不愈的原因;管腔狭窄、肉芽组织增生及黏膜溃疡等黏膜严重损害表现提示病程迁延。
Objective To investigate the relevance between damage of airway mucosa and the prognosis of protracted or non-protracted mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia. Methods 124 patients with mycoplasma pneu- moniae pneumonia were divided into the persistent group and the non-persistent group, according to the classification standard and prognosis of mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia. The clinical manifestations, damage of airway mucosa and prognosis were recorded and compared between the two groups. Results 28 cases of the 124 patients with myco- plasma pneumoniae pneumonia turned into persistent ycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia. There was no significant difference in acute clinical symptoms between the two groups (P 〉 0.05 ). Through tracheobronchoscopy, both groups had follicular hyperplasia of airway mucosa, edema, rough, longitudinal folds and mucus secretion increased. The stenosis of airway, granulation tissue hyperplasia and mucosal ulcer existed only in the persistent group, and follicular hyperplasia and mucus secretion increased in the persistent group significantly (P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion The damage of airway mucosa is related with the persistent course of patients with mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia, and follicular hyperplasia and mucus secretion increase are the causes of persistent mycoplasma pneumonia. The stenosis of airway, granulation tissue hyperplasia and mucosal ulcer mucosa damage suggest a prolonged course of patients with mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia.
Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
damage of airway mucosa
mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia