

Evolutionary Characteristics of Network Vocabulary and Young People's Discourse Style
摘要 文章以演化分析为框架,整合多领域研究思路,通过对网络词语的封闭性语料的数据分析,研究语言作为动态系统的性质,对网络语言系统的性质提出新的见解,借此对当下青年话语规律进行有限度的探索,对当前的网络思想政治教育工作提出可行的建议。 On a framework of evolutionary analysis, this article integrates multi--domain ideas to study the nature of network language system. It makes an analysis of the closed linguistic data of net- work vocabulary and examines the nature of language as a dynamic system. The article then explores the discourse patterns of today's young people and offers suggestions for ideological and political edu- cation on the Internet.
出处 《高校辅导员学刊》 2016年第1期83-86,共4页 Journal of College Advisor
关键词 网络词语 演化分析 青年话语 network vocabulary evolutionary analysis young people's discourse
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