
民族手工艺品牌价值综合评价体系研究——以新华村“寸四”“寸发标”银器为研究对象 被引量:3

The Comprehensive Evaluation System of Brand Value——Taking the Research on Xinhua Village's Silver Brands “Cunfabiao” and “Cunsi” as an Example
摘要 "寸四"与"寸发标"同为云南省鹤庆县新华村的代表性银器品牌,同一地域,相近的生产环境内却形成了不同的发展态势。在新华村银器手工艺产业的发展背景下,对两个品牌展开现状研究;并构建品牌价值评价模型,从知名度、品牌感知、忠诚度、品牌联想和相关者价值五个维度展开考察;最后,基于专家评分及层次分析法确定单层各级指标权重,呈现两个品牌的对比结果及综合评价,以实证研究推动民族手工艺品牌价值综合评价体系的构建。 Both representative silver ware brands of Xinhua Village in Heqing county of Yun'nan, "Cunsi" and "Cunfabiao" share the same location as well as similar production environment, yet they have developed different ways of business. This phenomenon is looked into with great care in this paper, aiming at pushing forward the build - up of a comprehensive brand evaluation system by empirical study. Xinhua Village's silver handicraft industry is first accounted for the study of the above two brands' current status. Then, a model for brand value assessment is set up and analyzed in five respective dimensions: popularity, brand perception, loyalty, brand association and stakeholder value. At last, the comparison result and comprehensive evaluation of the two brands are presented by way of confirming all indicators' weight based on expert grading and the AHP method.
作者 楼艺婵
出处 《学术探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期149-156,共8页 Academic Exploration
基金 云南省哲学社会科学规划项目(QN2014049) 云南财经大学校级重点课程<文化经济学>建设成果
关键词 品牌价值 寸四 寸发标 指标体系 综合评价 brand value Cunsi Cunfabiao indicator system comprehensive evaluation
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