
铅暴露与致癌和致突变研究进展 被引量:6

Research progress on carcinogenic and mutagenic properties of lead exposure
摘要 铅是一种自然界广泛存在的有毒重金属物质,也是常见的环境和职业污染物。虽然多年来铅及其化合物对机体的各种组织毒效应研究很多,但其致癌、致突变相关研究仍存在争议。基于充分的动物实验和不充分的人群研究,IARC将铅列为可疑的人类致癌物(2B)。此外,虽然铅的生化和分子机制不清楚,但有研究显示,铅通过间接机制发挥其遗传毒性作用,如抑制DNA的修复或自由基的产生。作者就近年来动物致癌实验、人群流行病学调查、体内试验等,对铅的致癌、致突变相关研究予以综述。 Lead is a toxic heavy metal that is widely existed in nature, and is a common environmental and occupational contaminant. Even though the toxic effects of lead and its compounds have been investigated for many years, the data existing with regard to its mutagenic and carcinogenic properties are still contradictory. Based on inadequate evidence in humans and sufficient evidence in animals, IARC has classified inorganic lead in Group B2, probable human carcinogen. Furthermore, although the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of action of lead remain still unclear, there are some studies that point out indirect mechanisms of genotoxicity such as inhibition of DNA repair or production of free radicals. This article review mainly focuses on the latest researches about carcinogenic and mutagenic properties of lead by animal experiments, epidemiological investigations and invivo studies.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2016年第3期415-418,共4页 Occupation and Health
关键词 癌症 遗传毒性 Lead Cancer Genotoxicity
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