

The Atrocities Committed by Japanese Troops in Nanjing and the Anti-Japanese Boycott in the U.S.
摘要 侵华日军在占领南京前后令人发指的暴行传到美国后,美国民间出现了抵制日货的运动,1938年2月一项民意调查显示美国有半数以上的民众支持这一抵制运动。传教士多年在美国培育的亲华意识和美国民众对侵略战争受害者中国的同情是抵制日货运动产生的前提;不惜任何代价避免卷入外国战争的孤立主义思潮与对日军南京暴行的厌恶是美国民间抵制日货运动产生的重要成因。一年(1937年7月至1938年7月)的抵制日货运动造成日本对美国出口的普通民众可以辨别产地的商品损失23.6%,更重要的是抵制日货运动以一种较为温和的方式拉开了美国对日本实行经济制裁的序幕。在很大程度上,抵制日货运动实际上是之后由美国政府实施的经济制裁的预演、准备和实践。 After occupying Nanjing,Japanese troops committed such outrages as mass murders,rapes and robberies. When news spread to America,a movement of boycotting Japanese goods was launched there. A February-1938 poll showed that more than half of Americans were supportive of the boycott. The primary cause underlying the boycott was the pro-China sentiment of the American people,fostered by American missionaries,and their sympathy to Chinese people as victims of an aggressive war. A second but no less important cause was the prevailing isolationism in the U. S.,demanding to avoid any foreign war at any cost,and the disgust to the Japanese atrocities in Nanjing. During one year period( 7,1937- 7,1938),the loss of the export value of the goods from Japan to America was 23. 6%,with Japanese manufacturers clearly identified by ordinary consumers. What's more,the anti-Japanese boycott was a prelude to American economic sanctions,imposed on Japan in a somewhat compromising way. To a larger extent,this boycott movement was a rehearsal,a preparation and an implementation of the economic sanctions by U. S. government afterwards.
作者 杨夏鸣 赵华
出处 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期104-116,159,共13页 Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目"美国外交文件中的南京暴行研究"(11BZS041)
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  • 1John W. Masland, "Commercial Influence upon American Far Eastern Policy, 1937-1941," The Pacific Historical Review, Vol. ll, No.3.1942, p.582.
  • 2Lawrence B. Glickman, " ' Make Lisle the Style' : The Politics of Fashion in the Japanese Silk Boycott, 1937-1940," Journal of Social History, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2005, pp.596-597.
  • 3Nathan M. Beeker, "The Anti-Japanese Boycott in the United States," Far Eastern Survey, Vol.8, No.5, 1939, pp.53-55.
  • 4Diplomatic Message Translation, RG 457, Location: 190/37/13/01, Box 286, National Archives II at College Park.
  • 5William E. Daugherty, "China' s Official Publicity in the United States," The Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 6, No.l, 1942, pp.71-72.
  • 6Sir R. Lindsay (Washington) to Mr. Eden (Received December 18, 9:30 a.m.)," Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939, Vol.22: Far Eastern Affairs, November 6, 1936-July 27, 1938, pp.589-592.
  • 7Lawrence Pratt, "The Anglo-A- merican Naval Conversations on the Far East of January 1938," International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944) ,Vol.47, No. 4.1971,pp. 760-763.
  • 8Sumner Welles, Seven Decisions that Shaped History, New York: Harper, 1951, p.92.
  • 9Nathan M. Becker, "The Anti-Japanese Boycott in the United States," Far Eastern Survey, Vol.8, No.5, t939, p.53.
  • 10John W. Masland, "Missionary Influence Upon American Far Eastern Policy," The Pacific Historical Review, Vol. 10, No.3 , 1941, p.290.








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