
基于DMSA算法的多敏感属性数据重发布隐私保护新策略 被引量:2

Some New Strategies of Data Redistribution of Multisensitive Attributes for Privacy Protection Based on DMSA Algorithm
摘要 针对多敏感属性数据重发布面临的链接攻击、背景知识攻击的威胁,本文首先提出了敏感属性更新集和同一等价敏感组的概念,然后对常见的数据重发布情况,提出了基于DMSA算法的数据重发布新策略,最后对其新策略进行了具体的实例分析,验证了该策略发布的安全性并得出其隐匿率和附加信息损失度的值都很低,从而验证出匿名发布后的数据可用性较高,且具有良好的隐私保护效果. According to the threats of link attack and background knowledge attack in redistribution of data of multi sensitive attributes, this paper firstly puts forward the concept of update set of sensitive attribute and the same equivalence of the sensitive group. Then, for some common situations of data redistribution, it puts forward some new strategies of data redistribution based on DMSA algorithm. Finally, it is proved by experiments that it has low occult rate and loss degree of additional information. The result also indicates data has high availability and good privacy after released with this new strategy.
机构地区 河海大学商学院
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2016年第2期16-21,共6页 Computer Systems & Applications
关键词 隐私保护 数据重发布 多敏感属性 DMSA算法 匿名化 privacy protection data re-publication multiple sensitive attributes DMSA algorithm anonymous
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