
波纹板结构对薄膜流动特性的影响研究 被引量:4

Study on Structure Effect of Corrugated Plates on Film Flow Characteristics
摘要 对3种结构(矩形、梯形和三角形)的波纹板薄膜流动进行数值计算,研究了波纹结构对薄膜流动特性的影响。数值计算使用Open FOAM软件中基于VOF(Volume of Fluid)法的多相流求解器,得到3种波纹板薄膜自由表面位置。研究发现三角形波纹板薄膜波动特性最佳,矩形最次;并且分析了薄膜流动与相间传热传质的关联性,研究结论可以为填料结构设计提供理论依据。 The film flow of the rectanglar,triangular and trapezoidal corrugated plates was simulated respectively,including the study of their structures' influence on film flow characteristics. In numerical calculation,the VOF-based multi-phase flow solver in Open FOAM software was adopted to analyze film's free-surface position. The study shows that film 's fluctuation characteristic of triangular corrugated plate is the best,then comes to the trapezoidal type and rectangular type in turn. The relationship between flow property and heat and mass transfer was studied to provide theoretical basis for designing the packing structure.
出处 《化工机械》 CAS 2016年第1期63-66,88,共5页 Chemical Engineering & Machinery
关键词 填料塔 波纹板结构 薄膜流体 VOF OPENFOAM 传质效率 packed tower corrugated plate structure film flow VOF Open FOAM mass transfer efficiency
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