

Investigation of Shenyang Qipanshan International Conference Center Regional Greening Plants Diversity
摘要 采用实地抽样调查的方法对沈阳市棋盘山国际会议中心区域绿化植物多样性进行全面研究,并对乔灌植物群落多样性指数进行计算和分析.α多样性指数结果显示该区域乔灌植物的物种数量为35种,其中乔木树种物种为19种,灌木物种为16种.平均物种密度为1.42株m^-2;群落的Simpson指数范围在0.490-0.856之间,其中圆柏银杏混植群落的Simpson指数最大,值为0.856,而槲树群落的Simpson指数最小,其值为0.49;群落的Shannon-Wienner指数范围在0.683-1.991之间,Shannon-Wienner指数最高的为圆柏银杏混植群落,其值为1.991,Shannon-Wienner指数最低的是槲树群落,其值仅为0.683;Pielou群落均匀度指数在0.259-0.575之间,Pielou群落均匀度指数最高的为大山樱白蜡旱柳混植群落,而槲树群落的均匀度指数最低.β多样性指数结果显示:沈阳棋盘山国际会议中心乔灌植物群落的Whittaker指数为5.549,其值符合0-12这个区域并且偏小,说明在不同样方之间的共有种比较多;Cody指数从东北至西南先减小后变大,说明群落的替代程度先降低后升高. A comprehensive study of greening plant diversity was investigated by using field sampling survey in She-nyang Qipanshan international conference center.And shrubbery plant community diversity index was calculated and analyzed.The alpha diversity index results showed that shrubbery plant species abundance reaches 35 in this area, including 1 9 arbor tree species,1 6 shrub species.The average species density is 1.42 /m2 ;community Simpson in-dex range between 0.490-0.856,of which Sabina chinensis mixed with ginkgo community Simpson index is the lar-gest value of 0.856.Live oak community has the minimal Simpson index,with 0.49.Community Shannon-Wienner index ranges between 0.683-1.991.The highest Shannon-Wienner index for Sabina chinensis mixed with ginkgo plant community,its value is 1.991,Shannon-Wienner index is the lowest in live oak community,its value is only 0.683.Pielou community evenness index between 0.259-0.575,the highest Pielou community evenness index for Dashan sakura ash and dryland willow plants mixed communities,and lowest in live oak community evenness index. Beta diversity index results showed that Whittaker index of shrubbery plant community is 5.549 in Shenyang Qipan-shan international conference center,and its value in line with the 0-12 this area slants small,illustroting the more common species in different sampling fields.Cody index decreases firstly then increased from the northeast to southwest,accounting for community alternative degree decreases firstly then increased.
作者 栗生枝 沈威
出处 《防护林科技》 2016年第3期18-22,共5页 Protection Forest Science and Technology
关键词 α多样性指数 β多样性指数 植物多样性 沈阳市棋盘山国际会议中心 Alpha diversity index beta diversity index plant diversity Shenyang Qipanshan international conference center
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