
云南省景洪市居民登革热防控知识知信行及家庭幼虫密度的调查研究 被引量:8

A survey on knowledge,attitude and practice of the prevention of dengue fever in Jinghong of Yunnan and an observation on the density of Aedes larvae
摘要 目的了解景洪市公众对登革热疾病及传播媒介的知信行(KAP)情况及其居家环境的伊蚊幼虫密度,分析其认知水平与幼虫密度的关系,为进一步提出有效控制登革热疫情措施提供科学依据。方法采取二阶段随机抽样方法,抽取4个社区,共104户进行调查,采用匿名方式进行面对面问卷调查,每户只调查1个家庭成员。采用幼虫吸管法对研究对象居家环境的伊蚊幼虫密度进行调查。结果86例(84.31%)居民知道登革热是由蚊子传播,55例(53.92%)居民认为幼虫可以在室内生长,17例(16.67%)能较全面回答传播登革热的蚊子在室内孳生环境。居民参与防控登革热的意愿不高,30例(29.41%)的调查对象表示愿意参与到登革热的防控行动中,36例(35.29%)的居民能够正确处理幼虫孳生环境。居民居家环境的幼虫密度较高,布雷图指数(BI)为96.08%。居民的认知水平与其居家环境的伊蚊幼虫密度密切相关,随着居民的登革热KAP水平增高,其居家幼虫密度降低呈趋势效应关系(χ2趋势=39.03,P<0.01)。logistic回归分析表明,性别、居住社区是居民登革热防治知识得分的影响因素。结论景洪市居民对登革热及防控知识的基本认知正答率较高,但参与防控的态度及防控措施落实程度不高;家庭的幼虫密度较高;居民的登革热KAP水平与幼虫密度呈趋势效应关系,认知水平高的其居家环境的幼虫密度低。 Objective To understand the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of the prevention of dengue fever among residents in Jinghone city, and to observe the density of Aedes larvae in order to provide a scien- tific evidence for effective control of dengue fever. Methods A two-stage random sampling method was used to select 104 households from 4 communities. A face to face questionnaire survey was conducted among partici- pants of one family member from each household. The density of larvae was determined by larvae suction meth- od. Results 84.31% of participants knew that dengue fever was transmitted By mosquitoes and 53.92% knew mosquito larvae could breed indoor. Only 16.67 % interviewees could correctly answer all the questions a- bout the breeding places of larvae. The percentage of respondents who showed the willingness to participate in the prevention and control of dengue fever was not high, only about one third (29.41% ). The density of Aedes larvae around living environment was high with the breteau index (hi) of 96.08%, which was negatively cor- related to the NAP level of residents (X2=39.03, P〈0.01). Logistic regression analysis indicated that gen- der and community were influencing factors of KAP scores. Conclusions The overall knowledge of preven- tion of dengue fever among residents in communities is relatively high, while the attitude and practice on dengue fever control are low. The density of Aedes larvae is negatively correlated with KAP level.
出处 《中国预防医学杂志》 CAS 2016年第2期124-129,共6页 Chinese Preventive Medicine
关键词 登革热 知识 态度 行为 布雷图指数 Dengue Knowledge Attitude Practice Breteau index
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