目的调查2010—2014年淮安市疟疾发病特征,分析流行趋势和规律,为消除疟疾工作的开展提供依据。方法利用网络直报系统及寄生虫病防治信息管理系统,收集2010—2014年全市疟疾疫情数据资料,用统计软件SPSS13.0进行数据分析。结果 2010—2014年共报告疟疾病例219例,其中恶性疟、间日疟、卵形疟、三日疟和混合感染病例分别占81.28%、13.24%、3.65%、0.91%和0.91%;按地区分布统计,病例数居前三位的县(区)依次为淮安区106例、盱眙县35例和淮阴区31例,3个县(区)占淮安籍病例数的92.69%;临床诊断病例和实验室诊断病例分别占16.44%和83.56%;死亡病例2例,均为国外输入性恶性疟;本地感染病例22例和输入性病例197例,分别占10.05%和89.95%;本地感染疟疾病例男女之比为3.20:1,国外输入性疟疾病例均是男性青壮年。结论淮安市自2012年起已连续3年无本地感染疟疾病例报告,但境外感染的输入性疟疾尤其输入性恶性疟病例所占比例呈大幅度上升趋势,且感染虫种呈现多样性。
Objective To investigate the incidence characteristics of malaria, and to analyze the epidemiological trendsand regularity from 2010 to 2014, in order to provide evidence of malaria elimination in Huai'an City. Methods Epidemiological data of cases of malaria, reported via the web-based direct reporting system and annual statistics from theinformation management system of malaria control and prevention, were collected from 2010 to 2014 and analyzed bySPSS13.0. Results A total of 219 malaria cases were reported in Huai'an City from 2010 to 2014. P. falciparum malariaaccounted for 81.28% of these cases, P. vivax malaria accounted for 13.24%, P. ovale malaria accounted for 3.65%, P. quartanmalaria accounted for 0.91%, and mixed infections accounted for 0.91%. The distribution of malaria cases were concentrated inHuai'an District(106 cases), Xuyi County(35 cases)and Huaiyin District(31 cases), totally accounted for 92.694%. In allthe cases, 16.44% were clinically diagnosed, while the remaining 83.56% were laboratory diagnosed. There were 2 deaths dueto malaria, which were both imported P. falciparum malaria cases. 10.05%(22 cases)of cases were autochthonous, while89.95%(197 cases)were imported. Among the autochthonous cases, the sex ratio was 3.20 to 1(male to female), and all ofimported cases were youth males. Conclusion There were no local malaria cases reported from Huai'an City from 2012.However, the proportion of imported malaria is rising sharply and the species of infected plasmodium are more diverse.
China Tropical Medicine
Autochthonous cases
Imported cases