
不同年龄炎症性肠病临床特征单中心分析 被引量:6

Difference of clinical characteristics of inflammatory bowel disease in different age groups of patients:A single-center analysis
摘要 目的:探讨宁夏医科大学总医院不同年龄组炎症性肠病(inflammatory bowel diseases,IBD)特点,为临床诊治提供客观依据.方法:收集2002-01/2014-12宁夏医科大学总医院收治的IBD患者共567例,按患者年龄不同分为<17岁组、17-39岁组、40-59岁组、>60岁组,统计患者性别、发病年龄、病程等一般资料、临床症状、肠外表现及并发症等,回顾性分析各组患者的疾病特点.结果:各组IBD住院率均呈上升趋势,发病高峰年龄未发生改变,以男性多见.>60岁组UC患者较其他组病情较重,疾病严重程度分型多为重度(85.39%);各组CD患者疾病活动度指数(Crohn's disease activity index,C D A I)评分结果较为一致,均以缓解期、中度活动期.就疾病部位,<17岁组和17-39岁组UC以直肠型最为常见(100%,53.25%),40-59岁组以左半结肠型为主(57.69%),>60岁组多为广泛结肠型(79.78%);<17岁组和>60岁组CD病变部位一致,以回肠末端型最为常见(50%,46.67%),中间年龄组以结肠型最多(51.52%,46.67%).结论:<17岁组及>60岁不同年龄组的临床特点及疾病特征与中间年龄组不尽一致,应给予更细致全面的研究,从而提高对IBD的诊治水平. AIM: To compare the characteristics of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in different age groups of patients to provide a vigorous basis for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of this disease. METHODS: Five hundred and sixty-seven IBD patients treated at the General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University from January 2002 to December 2014 were divided into four groups according to the age at diagnosis: 〈17 years, 17-39 years, 40-59 years and 〉60 years. Gender, disease duration, clinical symptoms, extra-intestinal manifestations and complications were retrospectively compared in the four groups. RESULTS: The hospitalization rate for each group showed an upward trend in recent years, and it was more common in men. The disease condition was more serious in the 〉60 age group than other groups, and most of the cases (85.39%) in the 〉60 age group belonged to the severe type. Crohn's disease activity index (CDAI) scores for CD patients in each group were similar, and most CD patientshad a disease in remission or with moderate activity. With regard to the lesion location, UC in the 〈17 and 17-39 age groups was characterized by proctitis (100% and 53.25%, respectively), ascending colitis was more prevalent in the 40-59 age group (57.69%), and the whole colon was often involved in the 〉60 age group (79.78%). For CD, the terminal ileum inflammation was more common in the 〈17 and 〉60 age groups (50% and 46.67%, respectively), while colitis dominated in the 17-39 and 40-59 age groups (51.52% and 46.67%, respectively).
出处 《世界华人消化杂志》 CAS 2016年第4期623-630,共8页 World Chinese Journal of Digestology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目,No.81460113~~
关键词 回顾性分析 炎症性肠病 年龄 Retrospective analysis Inflammatorybowel diseases Age
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