情景代入法作为一种新型城市设计技巧,源于柏林工业大学R·宾斯夏滕(Raoul Bunschoten)教授的城市发展设计思路。该思路1993年于英国AA首次提出,1994年在伦敦事务所开始实践和扩展,并在2006年结合大量教学课程检验,同时也在实践设计研究中不断完善与发展。目前它已成为柏林工业大学建筑规划与环境学院可持续城市规划研究所的前沿科研方向。本文将结合其设计策略理论及技巧进行关键性介绍,旨在对于智慧城市理念的深层次解读,从而为中国新形势下新城镇化战略、低碳城市主题的时代性等热点问题提供前瞻性研究的一种策略与技巧。
Scenarios-Led Design idea plays as a new urban design techniques, mainly referred from the urban development and design ideas on Methodology of Urban Gallery by Prof. Raoul Bunschoten. He works in the Institute of Sustainable Urban Planning of Architecture Planning and Environment College in Technical University of Berlin. This Methodology is first proposed by him in 1993 in the Architectural Association School of Architecture, and he set up its office in London to practice and expand since 1994, with a lot of testing curriculum, and continuous improving and developing in the practice of design research since 2006. The paper based on key point combined with the theory and skills of its design strategy, aims to remaining analysis of smart city concept, and provides a prospective study for hot issues currently Chinese new urbanization strategy in new situation, and low-carbon urban theme etc
The Architect