
应用CNCPS体系评定奶牛不同中性洗涤纤维与淀粉比例日粮的营养价值 被引量:6

Evaluation of Nutrient Values of Different Neutral Detergent Fiber/Starch Raito Diets for Dairy Cattle Using Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System
摘要 本试验旨在应用康奈尔净碳水化合物和蛋白质体系(CNCPS)评定奶牛不同中性洗涤纤维(NDF)与淀粉(starch)比例日粮的营养价值。试验1比较不同饲料原料(苜蓿干草、燕麦草、玉米青贮、玉米、甜菜粕、豆粕、膨化大豆、全棉籽)的营养价值;试验2选用玉米青贮、燕麦干草和玉米调整饲粮中性洗涤纤维和淀粉比例,配制0.86(I组)、1.13(Ⅱ组)、1.56(Ⅲ组)和2.38(Ⅳ组)4种全混合日粮,比较不同碳水化合物组成日粮的营养价值。应用CNCPS体系提出的碳水化合物与蛋白质分类方法,测定饲料原料及不同组合饲料的营养成分,计算并分析其碳水化合物和蛋白质组分。结果表明:1不同饲料原料的CNCPS碳水化合物、蛋白质组分的优劣不同;2随着NDF/starch比例增加,4组日粮的CHO、CNSC、CA、CB1、PB1和PB3含量呈依次降低趋势,而CB2、CC、PA、PB2和PC含量则呈依次上升趋势。综合分析,不同NDF/starch比例日粮营养价值为I组>Ⅱ组>Ⅲ组>Ⅳ组。结果提示,CNCPS体系分析指标多且全面,能够全面反映饲料及日粮的营养价值,因此可用于实际生产中反刍动物日粮的配制。 This experiment was conducted to evaluate the nutritive value of different neutral detergent fiber/starch raito diets for Dairy Cattle by Cornell net carbohydrate and protein system. Experiment 1 was used to compare the nutritive value of different feed ingredient(alfalfa hay,oat grass,corn silage,corn,sugar beet pulp,soybean meal,extruded soybean,cottonseed fuzzy),experiment 2 was used to compare the nutritive value of different feed combinations, corn silage,oat grass and corn grain were used to adjust the NDF/starch ratio. Four total mixed rations were fed with different NDF/starch in ratios of 0.86(I),1.13(Ⅱ),1.56(Ⅲ) and 2.38(Ⅳ), respectively.The basic nutrient contens were analyzed,and the carbohydrate and protein fraction were calculated respectively. according to the CNCPS method.The feed ingredient and feed combinations samples were analyzed by category. The results showed as follows:1) the characteristic of CNCPS carbohydrate fractions and CNCPS protein fractions of various feed ingredient were different. 2) CHO,CNSC,CA,CB1,PB1 and PB2 were gradually decreased with the increase of dietary neutral detergent fiber/starch raito, but CB2,CC,PA,PB2 and PC were gradually increased with the increase of NDF/starch raito.Therefore,based on this study, the nutritive value of different neutral detergent fiber/starch raito diets was: I〉Ⅱ〉Ⅲ〉Ⅳ.The results indicated that the CNCPS could measure more nutrient indices of feedstuff and reflect their digesting and absorbing metabolism in dairy cattle fully.It was suggested that the methods of CNCPS could be used in the evaluation of feedstuff and diet formulation of dairy cattle in dairy farm.
出处 《中国奶牛》 2016年第2期1-7,共7页 China Dairy Cattle
基金 湖南省"海外名师"项目计划(湘教通[2014]309号)
关键词 CNCPS体系 饲料原料 日粮 营养价值 奶牛 Cornell net carbohydrate and protein System Feed ingredient Ration Nutritive value Dairy cattle
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