Research Advances in ‘Allowing Natural Death'
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine
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9William FK, Am HE, Derek JS, et al. Do specialists differ on do-not- resuscitate decisions? [J].Chest, 2002,121 (3) :957-963.
10Nathens AB, Rivara FP, Wang J, et al. Variation in the rates of do not resuscitate orders after major trauma and the impact of intensive care unit environment [ J ]. J Trauma, 2008,64 ( 1 ) : 81-91.
1薛继可,冷巧云,高玉芝,陈寿权,李章平,李惠萍,黄唯佳,程俊彦,章杰,何爱文.急诊科心搏骤停患者心肺复苏预后的影响因素[J].中华急诊医学杂志,2013,22(1):28-34. 被引量:58
2刘梦婕,朱京慈.“不再心肺复苏”在ICU的应用进展[J].中华护理杂志,2016,51(5):613-617. 被引量:12
3杨志燕,黄天宝,张国英.急诊科心肺复苏预后及相关因素分析[J].重庆医科大学学报,2016,41(12):1234-1238. 被引量:13
7农承祖.安乐死的可行性探讨[J].四川省卫生管理干部学院学报,1993,12(3):36-38. 被引量:1
8丁美超,房龙梅,宁超,苏天照.器官移植潮下的伦理反诘[J].卫生软科学,2014,28(8):516-518. 被引量:1