
中国囊螨属1新种和胭螨属1新记录(蜱螨亚纲:中气门目:胭螨科) 被引量:1

A new species of the genus Asca and a new record of the genus Rhodacarus from China (Acari: Mesostigmata: Rhodacaridae)
摘要 记述中国囊螨属1新种:铃形囊螨Ascacampanispermathecasp.nov.和胭螨属1新记录:哨咯胭螨Rhodacarussogdianus Shcherbak,1980。 The present paper reports a new species of the genus Asca and a new record of the genus Rhodxtcarus from China. 1 Asca campanispermatheca sp nov.(Fig. 1) Female. Length ofidiosoma 323 μm, width 161 μm. Dorsum with anterior and posterior dorsal shields, dorsal setae short and simple, the end not reach base of next seta, post-lateral projections small, bearing 2 setae. Sternal and genital shields indistinct, with 3 pairs of sternal setae, 1 pair of metasternal setae, 1 pair of genital setae and 2 pairs of ventral cuticle setae on sternoenital region. Ventro-anal shield large, with 6 pairs of ventral setae and 3 perianal setae. Ad situated at level of middle of anus, shorter than anus, PA distinctly longer thart anus. Metapodal shields 1 pair, oval. Peritreme reaching to base of FI anteriorly. Spermatheca bell-shaped, spermathecal tube extending to coxa IV. Movable digit of chela bidentate. Legs setae short and simple. The new species is similar to Asca anwenjui Ma, 2003, but in the new species spermatheca distinct, bell-shaped, however in the latter species spermatheca indistinct. Holotype ♀ , ex bracken, from Linzhi County(29°39' N, 94°21' E), Xizang Autonomous Region, 26 Aug. 2014. Type specimen is deposited in the Institute of Plant Protection, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Science, Fuzhou. Name of the new species from "campani-" (bell) and "spermatheca". 2 Rhodacarus sogdianus Shcherbak, 1980(Fig. 2) New record from China. Female. Length of idiosoma 274 Ixm, width 124 μm at level of middle. Anterior dorsal shield inserted 22 pairs of setae, posterior dorsal shield inserted 18 pairs of setae, all dorsal setae short and simple, but M11 longer, S8 short, with a V-like line behind D1, 3 lyriform pores on D2 region. Sternal shield with granulation region at anterior part, posterior end reaching to level of posterior margin of coxae III, sternal setae 4 pairs, Stl situated in granulation region. Genital shield small, with 1 pair of setae. Ventro-anal shield with 4 pairs of ventral setae and 3 perianal setae. Ad situated at level of anterior margin of anus, longer than anus, PA very long, far longer than Ad. Metapodal shields 1 pair, short and thin. Peritreme short, thin, reaching to level of anterior part of coxae III anteriorly. Legs setae short, simple. Specimen 1 ♀ , ex moss, from Changde(29°03' N, 111°41' E), Hunan Province, 17 Aug. 2010.
出处 《蛛形学报》 2015年第2期92-94,共3页 Acta Arachnologica Sinica
关键词 蜱螨亚纲 中气门目 胭螨科 囊螨属 胭螨属 新种 Acari Mesostigmata Rhodacaridae Asca Rhodacarus new species
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