目的通过调查包头市青山区小学生视力及屈光状态,了解本地区小学生屈光不正的现状和危险因素。方法对包头市青山区4 560例6~12岁在校小学生以班级为单位进行整体随机抽样调查,检查包括裸眼视力;免散瞳验光确定屈光状态;对影响视力的相关因素进行问卷调查,并进行统计分析。结果视力正常者3 137例,视力低下者1 423例,占31.2%,其中近视1 173例(82.4%),远视250例(17.6%),散光240例(16.9%)。结论包头市青山区小学生视力低下率高,其主要是近视,且患病率随年龄增长而增加。遗传、学习负担过重、长时间看电视、户外活动时间减少,阅读姿势不正确是近视发生的主要危险因素。
Objective To understand the status and risk factors of ametropy of pupils in the region by investigating the vision and refractive state of pupil. Methods 4 560 pupils of 6 ~ 12 years old were sampling surveyed randomly.The uncorrected visual acuity were examined. All subjects were determine the refractive state by non mydriatic optometry automatically. Eyesight- impacting factors were surveyed by questionnaire. Results 4 560 cases were surveyed and 1 423 cases(31.2%) were diagnosed as hypopsia and 1 173 cases(82.4%) were myopia, 250 cases(17.6%)were hyperopia, 240 cases(16.9%) were astigmatism. Conclusion The low vision rate of primary school pupils in the regin was high. Myopia is the main visual acuity, and the prevalence rate increases with age. The main risk factors might be genetic, heavy study stress, overlong TV watching time, less outdoor physical sports, and incorrect reading pose.
China Health Standard Management
Refractive status
Primary school pupils
Qingshan district of Baotou
Risk factors