
面向网络虚拟化技术的管控架构 被引量:2

Management and Control Framework for Network Virtualization Technology
摘要 网络虚拟化技术作为变革网络体系的一种渐变式方案,分离了网络服务和物理基础设施,支持若干同构或异构的网络共享同一物理基础设施.它的管控架构主要解决虚拟网络与物理网络的映射关系、物理网络资源的切分和虚拟网络的部署等问题,直接关系到系统能否利用底层设备智能化地、快速地为租户提供网络资源的租赁服务.结合项目实施过程中网络虚拟化技术部署的实际需求,提出了2种管控架构模型,即全视图的管控架构和半视图的管控架构.实验结果表明,2种架构模型的性能指标存在差异,如部署时间、通信量和故障恢复时间等. The network virtualization technology is regarded as a gradual program to reform the traditional Internet architecture. By separating network services from physical infrastructure,the network virtualization allows multiple isomorphism or isomerism networks sharing the same physical infrastructure. As one of key component,the management and control framework solves the problems that include the mapping relationship between virtual network and physical network,the partition of physical network resources and the deployment of virtual networks. It determines whether service providers can quickly use the underlying equipment to lease network resources for tenants. Combining with the actual demands from the deployment of the network virtualization solution,the article proposes two models for management and control framework: full-view model and semi-view model. Experiment shows that there are some differences between these two models in terms of some performance indexes,such as the deployment time,traffic load and fault recovery time etc. Both of the two models have their application scenarios. It is expected the research about management and control framework will provide reference for application and development of network virtualization.
出处 《北京邮电大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期120-126,共7页 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(2012CB315906)
关键词 网络体系 网络虚拟化 管控架构 全视图/半视图 network architecture network virtualization management and control full-view/semi-view
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