
CD-4理论在隆乳术中确定乳房假体宽度中的应用 被引量:1

Application of CD-4 theory in determining the width of implant in breast augmentation
摘要 目的探讨CD-4理论在隆乳术中确定乳房假体宽度的应用价值。方法对630例经腋窝切口或乳晕切口行双平面I型或Ⅱ型隆乳的患者,成功应用cD-4理论来确定乳房假体的宽度(w)。曲线距离(CD)为经乳房下皱襞水平测得的从胸骨中线到腋前线的水平曲线距离。w—cD-4.0cm或3.5cm。结果630例的圆形或水滴形乳房假体的w为10.5~12.5cm不等,CD为14.5~17.0cm不等。78.09%的隆乳患者获得了术后1个月到6年的随访,除了5例发生单侧包膜挛缩外,其余隆乳者对新乳房的形态大小都感满意。新乳房内侧的乳房间距为1~2.5cm,乳房外侧缘均在腋前线区域。结论在行双平面I型或Ⅱ型隆乳术中乳房假体w—cD-,4.0cm,而对于非常消瘦的隆乳者应改为W—CD-3.5cm。 Objective To introduce a new method (" CD-4" theory) to determine the width (W) of the implant and to explain the reasons why to do so in details. Methods From January 2006 to August 2015, the authors have found and applied "CD-4" theory to determine the width (W) of breast implant in dual plane Ⅰ or Ⅱ breast augmentation cases through transaxillary or periareolar in cision for 630 patients. "CD" was defined as the curved distance on skin from the midline of the sternal bone to the anterior axillary line (AAL) on the lateral chest wall through the horizontal level on inferior mammary fold (IMF). W = CD-4.0 em or 3.5 era. Results The 630 patients were treated by using both round and anatomic implants with width from 10.5 cm to 12.5 cm. Their CDs were from 14.5 cm to 17 cm. 78% of the patients were followed up from 1 month to 5 years. Except for 5 patients were unilateral capsular contractions, all the other patients were satisfied with their nature new breast shapes and volumes. Their new intermammary cleavages without bras were between 1 2.5 cm and lateral borders of breast were on the area of the anterior axillary line (AAL). Conclusions Width of the implant is equal to CD-4.0 cm when doing dual plan Ⅰ or Ⅱ breast augmentation. For the very thin patient, the width should be 3.5 cm
出处 《中华医学美学美容杂志》 2016年第1期4-6,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology
关键词 隆乳术 腋前线 乳房假体 宽度 Breast augmentation Anterior axillary line Breast-implant Width
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