
城镇化背景下乡村教育发展策略:国际经验与启示 被引量:8

Development Strategies on Rural Education in Urbanization:International Experiences and Inspirations
摘要 在城镇化进程中,乡村教育发展面临着学生大量外流、学校大量撤并等诸多挑战,如何保障乡村儿童就近接受有质量的教育是乡村教育发展需要解决的重点问题之一。从国际社会来看,支持与发展乡村教育的主要策略有:增加教育投入,完善乡村学校办学条件;共享教育资源,实现乡村学校协同发展;开展非正规教育,提供灵活化的乡村教育;健全激励机制,提高乡村教师队伍质量;重视学生资助,让乡村学生获得充足发展。这些经验可以为我国乡村教育改革与发展提供一系列启示:大力改善乡村小规模学校的办学条件,全方位支持乡村学校教师发展,有针对性地为乡村学生提供帮助。 In the process of urbanization, the rural education has to face large number of students going to the urban areas and many rural schools are being consolidated. One of the primary problems that need to be solved is how to make sure the rural children can receive quality education close to their houses. Looking around to the in- ternational society, the major strategies to supporting and developing rural education are: Increasing education in- vestment to improve rural school conditions; Sharing education resources to realize rural schools collaborative in- novations; Establishing non-formal schools to supply flexible education services; Strengthening incentive mecha- nism to ensure rural teachers' quality; Emphasizing rural children subsidy to support their adequate development. These experiences bring a series of inspirations to the rural education development in our country, which can be summarized as: to improve small schools conditions in rural areas, to support rural teacher's development and to provide personalized help to rural children.
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期15-19,25,共6页 International and Comparative Education
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"城镇化背景下我国义务教育改革和发展机制研究"(项目批准号:13JZD043)的研究成果
关键词 城镇化 乡村教育 乡村儿童 国际经验 发展策略 urbanization rural education rural children international experiences
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