
展示政治:理解政治的一种新视角 被引量:11

Politics of Display: A New Perspective of Understanding Politics
摘要 尽管"展示"已经融入到我们生活的方方面面,国内对展示政治的学术研究仍还十分滞后。国外一些学者从展览意义上探讨了展示政治,不过中文语境中展示的内涵和外延远远超过了展览,因此展示政治应该在中国的实践场域中得到扩展和延伸。展示政治,简言之就是展示场域中的政治,也即公共展示之中蕴含的政治意蕴。从展示的视角,展示政治具有多样面孔,它既可以寄身在文本、标语之中,也可以化身在建筑、仪式等符号之中;从政治的视角,展示政治具有多重内涵,它可以蕴含权力的再生产、权利的表达、政府形象的塑造、文化的规训、统治合法性的渗透等等。根据编码解码理论,展示政治"编码"的特定政治目的并不一定被受众完全接受。 Although the " Display " has been integrated into all aspects of our lives, domestic research on the politics of display is still lagging behind. Some foreign scholars have discussed the significance of exhibition, but the display is far beyond the exhibition in Chinese context, so politics of display should be expanded in the practice field of China. Politics of display, in short, is the politics of the display field, or the political implication of the public display. From the perspective of display, politics of display has a variety of faces, it can rest in the text, the slogan, also can incarnate in architecture, ritual and other symbols. From a political perspective, politics of dis-play has multiple connotations, it can contain the reproduction of power, the expression of the right, the image of the government, the dis-cipline of culture, the legitimacy of rule, and so on. According to the theory of encoding and decoding, a specific political purpose "en-coding" in politics of display is not necessarily completely accepted by the audience.
机构地区 华中师范大学
出处 《上海行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期85-92,共8页 The Journal of Shanghai Administration Institute
基金 国家社科基金重大招标课题<加快公共文化服务体系建设>(项目批准号:10ZD&018) 华中师范大学中央高校基本科研业务费项目资助"中国地方治理现代化及国际比较研究"(项目编号:CCNU14Z02008)的一项成果
关键词 展示政治 展览政治 权力 合法性 编码 解码 Politics of display Exhibitions politics Power Legality Encode Decode
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