

The Age of Literature and Arts :First Sign of Revitalization of the Beijing School after the Anti- Japanese War
摘要 抗战结束后创刊于北平的《文艺时代》将原平津沦陷区和国统区京派、近京派作家聚集到一起,发出了战后京派重振的先声。刊物由诗人南星主编,撰稿人以平津沦陷区高校师生作家为主体,折射出京派在战争后的庚续。刊物作品以京派、近京派为主,但也兼容了少数非京派乃至倾向共产党立场的作品。战后京派的民族国家话语加强,文学反映时代的广阔度和文学大众化理念凸显,与"人民的文学"一起形成"和而不同"的时代共振。 The Age of Literature and Arts founded in Peiping after the Anti - Japanese War gathered together the writers of the Peiping and the pro - Peiping school in the former enemy - occupied area of Peiping and Tianjin, and the KMT - ruled area, thus heralding the post - War revitalization of the Peiping school. With Nan Xing (1910- 1996), a poet, as its editor- in- chief, the Magazine was chiefly contributed by the writers among the university faculty and students of the enemy - occupied area of Peiping and Tianjin, which reflected the continuation of the Peiping school after the War. Though the contributed writings were mainly those of the Peiping and the pro - Peiping school, a small number of non -Peiping school writings, and even those with a tendency to the Communist position were carried in it. And the strengthening of the national discourse of the Peiping school and the highlighting of the concept of popularization of literature turned out to be an epochal resonance of "harmony in diversity" together with the "literature of the people".
作者 戎琦
机构地区 澳门大学中文系
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2016年第1期47-54,共8页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 南星 京派 沦陷区 国统区 大众化 人民的文学 Nan Xing enemy - occupied area KMT - ruled area popularization literature of the people
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  • 2袁可嘉.《“人的文学”与“人民的文学”--从分析比较寻修正,求和谐》,天津《大公报·星期文艺》1947年7月6日.,J.
  • 3楚天阔.《过去,现在,未来》,《中国沦陷区文学大系》(评论卷),南宁:广西教育出版社,1998年,第121页.
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  • 5熊佛西.《谈左倾》,《人民世纪》1946年第2期.
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  • 7《创刊致辞》,《文艺时代》第1期.
  • 8李健吾.《与田汉书--论改良平剧与地方戏》,《周报》1946年第38期.
  • 9天津市实验中学党组织.《工商(滓沽)附中党的地下活动及其领导的革命活动》,《河西党史资料汇编》,中共天津市委党史资料征集委员会出版,1991年,第180页.
  • 10吴楼.《评(盔甲山)》,《东亚联盟》1943年第2卷第5期.








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