
儒家美学“仁”范畴之存在论意义 被引量:10

Ontological Meaning of the Category of “Humaneness”in Confucian Aesthetics
摘要 在儒家美学看来,"仁"乃是"人"原初的本性,为"人"之纯真本性的一种呈现,"人"必须去蔽存真,敞亮仁心仁性,仁其所仁,以成己成人。"成己",即自身心身圆融;"成人",即通过"成己",澄明原初本真心性,以达成自我与他者的和谐,进而与天地参,生生不息,化化不已。"仁"审美域的达成为"人"原初心性的呈现,是"人"所具有的本真品质的自明,与"人"自身的选择相关。"仁"作为"人"的本性,通过选择,于"求仁"、"为仁"的去蔽中呈现出来,则体现为一种仁爱精神,"仁者爱人","仁者"既仁爱自身,更仁爱他人,仁爱社会,仁爱自然。儒家美学所谓的"求仁"、"安仁",就是主张使仁爱精神推及自然、社会,通过此,在"人"与自然、社会之间确立一种相依相成、相亲相爱的融熙关系,以促进上下与天地同流,人与天地合其德。 From the perspective of Confucian aesthetics, "humaneness" is just the expression of the origi- nal nature , and the pure and true nature of "Man". He therefore must eliminate the false and retain the true, and must open wide his humane heart and reveal his humane nature and offer his humaneness to what should be offered humaneness to be a perfected Self and a perfected Man. To be a perfected Self is the harmony of mind and body whereas to be a perfected Man is, through the perfection of the Self, to reveal his original and authentic nature to arrive at a harmony of the Self with the Other, and further to keep abreast with heaven and earth, and go on this way endlessly and ceaselessly. And the aesthetic attainment of "humaneness" is the expression of his original nature, and is the self - evidence of the authentic nature the Man has. As the inherent quality of Man, "humaneness" is revealed in the uncovering of the "seeking and attainment of humaneness", and is manifested as a sort of humane spirit that the "humane man loves others" , and he not lonely loves himself, but loves others, the society and Nature the more so. The "attainment of humaneness" and the "being comfortable with humaneness" in the sense of Confucian aesthetics is to spread the humane spirit over Nature and society, and by way of this, to establish a harmonious relationship between Man, and society and Nature, so as to integrate with heaven and earth, and to bear the virtue heaven and earth bear.
作者 李天道
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2016年第1期96-110,共15页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科规划基金项目"中国古代环境美学思想专题研究"(13AZD029)的阶段性成果
关键词 求仁 得仁 与天地同流 与天地合其德 humaneness the seeking of humaneness the attainment of humaneness to integrate with heaven and earth to bear the virtue heaven and earth bear
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  • 1朱熹.《西铭论》,《张载集》,北京:中华书局,1978年,第410页.












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