陈寿的《三国志》不仅求真兼善 ,还有追求奇美的倾向。他通过以奇语评奇人 ,以奇貌显奇人 ,以奇言写奇人 ,以奇事状奇人等艺术方法 ,再现了三国时代纵横天下、建功立业的奇人群象的奇美光彩。这种奇美追求对后代三国题材作品的审美倾向影响颇为深远 ,更成为《三国演义》奇美艺术风格的史传渊源。探讨《三国志》与《三国演义》奇美风格源流关系 ,可突破以往只关注二者人物、事件相关性的局限 ,而从思维方式、审美理想、美学风格等层面探讨《三国演义》乃至中国古代小说与史传的深层关联。
Chen Shou's' history of the three kingdoms'not only seeks the reality and goodness, but also has the tendency of seeking strange beauty.The author makes a wived presentation of a group heroes in the period of'Three kingdoms'about their fighting and achievements by the methods of using astonishing language to make wonderful men,of describing the special body feature to show the wonderful men,of Chosing suprising words to portray the wonderful men,and of citing typical evens to pron the wonderful men.This method of seeking strange beauty has a deep influence on the aesthetic evaluation of the later writing of the books about 'Three kingdoms'.Moreover,it has become the historical source of the strange style on beauty between'History of the Three kingdoms'and 'The stories of the Three kingdoms'can help us to break the limitation of only paying attention to the related characters and events,thus help us to understand and analyze the deep connection between'The stories of the Three kingdoms',other ancient Chinese novels and the historical biographic source from the levels of thinking methods,aesthetic ideal and aesthetic style.
Academic Exchange
astonishing description
wonderful men
strange style on beauty
histrical origin