
社会冲突理论视角下的医院暴力研究 被引量:8

Research on Workplace Violence from the Perspective of Social Conflict Theory
摘要 目的以社会冲突理论为视角,分析某市护士遭受工作场所暴力现状及导致暴力事件的深层次原因,为构建和谐的护理环境提供新的路径选择。方法问卷调查、专家访谈及交叉研究法。结果 1年内护士暴力的发生率为49.5%,其中语言攻击43.3%,躯体攻击10.7%,性骚扰7.2%,处于社会冲突恶化的起点、低烈度状态,而影响工作场所暴力发生率的潜在原因多样。结论护士遭受工作场所暴力发生率尚处于社会冲突的"安全阈"内,但仍需引起重视,建议借鉴社会冲突理论探讨减少工作场所暴力发生率的预防措施。 Objective To analyze the current situation of nurses in a certain city who suffered workplace violence and explore the underlying reasons from the perspective of social conflict theory so as to provide a new path for building a harmonious nursing environment.Methods Questionnaire survey, expert interview and crossover method were used.Results The incidence of workplace violence for nurses in one year was 49.5%, in which language attack accounted for 43.3%, body attacks accounted for 10.7% and sexual harassment accounted for 7.2%.It was just the start of social conflict deterioration with low intensity state. However, there were various potential causes that influenced workplace violence incidence.Conclusion The incidence of workplace violence for nurses is still in the "safety threshold" of social conflict but still needs attention. It is suggested discussing the preventive measures to reduce workplace violence incidence by referring to social conflict theory.
出处 《医院管理论坛》 2016年第2期20-24,共5页 Hospital Management Forum
关键词 工作场所暴力 社会冲突理论 影响因素 Workplace violence Social conflict theory Influence factor
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