
2014—2015年我国新发传染病临床诊治与相关研究进展 被引量:12

Current progress in clinical diagnosis, treatment and related research of emerging infectious diseases in China from 2014 to 2015
摘要 新发传染病具有疫情发生突然、传播速度快、人群易感率高等特点,对人类身体健康和社会生产生活秩序造成较大影响。国家近年来在公共卫生领域的建设投入初见成效,2014—2015年我国境内发生的新发传染病中,人感染禽流感和手足口病等总体得到较好控制,中东呼吸综合征和埃博拉病毒病等境外疫情构成了潜在威胁。本文对近2年我国新发传染病的诊断、治疗、预防和基础研究进展进行综述。 Emerging infectious diseases(EIDs) are characterized by sudden outbreak and rapid spread among the general population with high susceptibility. The occurrence of EIDs severely threats human health and influences social and economic development. In recent years, our government has established an effective prevention and control system as well as an effective capability in the management of EIDs in China. From 2014 to 2015, the outbreak of EIDs such as human avian influenza and hand, foot and mouth disease were well controlled in China, and EIDs like Middle East respiratory syndrome and Ebola virus disease pose a potential threat to Chinese population. In this article, the authors summarize the current progress and challenges in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention and related research of EIDs occurring in China during the last two years.
出处 《传染病信息》 2016年第1期24-29,共6页 Infectious Disease Information
基金 军队十二五重点课题(BWS11J048) 国家临床重点专科军队建设项目
关键词 传染病 新出现 手足口病 出血热 埃博拉 诊断 communicable diseases emerging hand foot and mouth disease hemorrhagic fever Ebola diagnosis
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